What you see before you, though, is not what you would see if you saw these same two people in the comfort of their own homes. The same cute, happy couples are the ones at home sitting in their underwear on the couch shoveling fast food in their mouths, belching and sometimes spilling all over themselves. These two people are the ones having farting contests at night in bed and squeezing pimples on each other’s faces in the morning before work. The point is that some of the happiest couples you see do some of the grossest activities you can ever image, and here’s why:

1. It shows that they are willing to do anything for each other

If your significant other is willing to pop a pimple on your forehead, and risk getting squirted in the face, imagine what else they would do for you? It may seem like a simple concept now, but when it comes to the ones you love, it can mean so much more.

2. It shows that they value secrets

I’m sure you wouldn’t want your significant other bragging to their friends at work about that farting contest you two had last night, simply because, well, that’s a little weird from an outsider’s view. These gross little moments are private, and something you two can cherish alone.

3. It shows how much they like to take care of each other

It really does take a special kind of love to do something so weird and gross, like clip your significant other’s toenails, for example. Any other task is nothing compared to that, and the fact that they are happy to do it should mean a lot to anyone.

4. It shows that you aren’t afraid to open up

If you are so worried about farting in front of your significant other, imagine what else you might be afraid to do or talk about. Everybody does it, and if they don’t take to it well, then you know they aren’t the right one for you.

5. It helps you to not feel the need to impress

Worrying about self-image can be really stressful, but if you are used to seeing you significant other use the bathroom with the door open, or walk around the house with a messy head of hair and a barbecue sauce stain on your T-shirt, you don’t have to worry about that anymore.

6. It show’s that you aren’t judgmental

It can make somebody feel really uncomfortable if you laugh at them for letting one rip. Couples who do gross things around each other know that they can do that with out the fear of being judged by their partner.

7. It creates a more relaxing atmosphere

These kinds of couples can look forward to pretty much anything, and not have to worry about a burp, or any thing else being a negative factor in their time together.

8. It gives you something to laugh about together

When these odd activities get even odder, you two can be rest assured that you both can get a good laugh out of it until milk comes out of one of your noses.

9. It doesn’t ruin the intimacy

When things get a little bit more romantic, a nice tooter will not kill the mood for either one of you. Instead, you’ll be able to share a good belly laugh together.

10. It might strangely provoke intimacy

During a pimple popping session on one of your backs, just being in such proximity could bring you closer together in other ways. Which wouldn’t be strange for a weird, gross couple like you. Featured photo credit: https://pixabay.com/en/users/pixolga-742787/ via pixabay.com