I get it. But you’re here, which means that you’re into things like productivity, getting things done, and creating space in your life for the good things. But it’s probably not enough.  Most likely, you’re able to maintain your 200+ emails-per-day workload, multiple projects at a time, and still have enough sanity to get home in time for dinner. So why am I advocating adding another thing to your daily task list? Why am I telling you why you need a blog? Because blogging isn’t going anywhere.  More importantly, it’s not something that should be seen as adding to what you’re doing. On the contrary, blogging (if done well), can be the most productive thing you do all day, and can even take the place of many of your daily “to-do”s. You might need to step out of your comfort zone, but trust me–it’s worth it. Here’s a list of some of those things blogging can help with: Maybe I’ve convinced you, maybe not. But you won’t change my mind–the benefits of blogging (creating content and sharing it online) far outweigh the downsides and work we need to put in to it. This is why you need a blog. If you’ve never tried it, check out my site for some great resources, but just know that blogging is a perfect example of something that “you get what you put in to it.” It can take your business or your life to another level, and it’s not hard to do. It takes work, sure, but everything of value does anyway! And if you need some specific help, start by asking the right questions–here are 101 of them! (Photo credit: Blog on Typewriter via Shutterstock)

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