Being in your 20s can make you question whether or not you are successful at life – you have expectations to live up to! However, while you may not be married, or living in your own loft in a trendy area of your city, you are still doing well in your 20s if:

1. You graduated school

Hey, it may have taken you 3 years, or you may have done several victory laps, but at least you’ve got a degree under your belt! Currently only 19% of Millennials have college degrees!

2. You’ve got a job

You buffed up the resume, nailed the interview, and are currently employed. It’s nice to have a job that pays you enough to have a little money in your pocket. Now you can splurge on the $15 bottle of wine versus the $2 Buck Chuck from your local Trader Joes.

3. Your bills aren’t under your parents’ names

Congratulations on making your own payments towards your cell phone! Or electric… or credit card. It’s hard, but with budgeting apps such as Mint and Mvelopes, you can stay on top of your finances and make sure all of your bills are paid on time.

4. You don’t live at your parents’ house

This is acceptable right out of college to save some money – however, nothing is less cool than telling your friends you have to get home early because of your parents. Do you know whats nicer than living at your parents’ house? Not having a curfew. And not having to tell anyone where you’re going.

5. You no longer survive on Ramen Noodles

You can now afford to go out to eat several times a month AND make yourself a dinner that doesn’t come pre-packaged. Want to splurge on that brie at the grocery store? Do it – you can finally afford it.

6. You have savings

Whether it is through your employer’s 401(k) program, or you’ve stashed some cash away in a savings account, you have enough money to spend on emergencies, vacations, or that shiny new X-Box whenever you need it. You may have enough left over to be able to throw in an extra game as well.

7. You have long-term goals

Your goals no longer include marrying celebrities or becoming a professional basketball player (5’8″ just won’t cut it), but instead center on career advancement, investing, and personal insight. Maybe you want to become a manager at your company, or one day open your own restaurant! You are at the beginning of your journey, but know that taking the right path now can help you to get to where you ultimately want to be.

8. You can travel whenever you want to

Got a long weekend? Drive to the beach. Want to see that concert in Red Rocks? Catch a flight! Craving snacks at 1:00 AM? Head to the grocery store! The world is your oyster – go where your schedule and budget allows!

9. You schedule your own doctor’s appointments

Okay. Maybe this one is for your 30s…

10. You have experience

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions. You’ve made it through college, you’ve made it through getting you first job, and you have your own place. Though still young and thriving, you’ve got some life experience and you’re wiser than you were yesterday. That counts for something!