The two of you are basically family – you’ve bickered with each other, had dinner together, and you both own super embarrassing photos of each other. They are simply your other half without the romantic intimacy. Check out these 10 signs that your bestie is your friend version of a spouse.

1. They Are Always Your Plus One

It doesn’t matter where you are going – it could be a nightclub, food shopping or to a family party, but if you can invite someone, it will be your bestie. Their attendance means you are guaranteed a good night, and even if it is a bad night, you two will get to complain together as a team.

2. They Know Your Takeout Order By Heart

Whether you’re ordering Chinese or Italian, your bestie always knows what you want to eat. You can do the same for them; they hate pineapple on their pizza, but they love pineapple fritters. You both regularly order takeout for each other without consulting the other first – and the meal is always a tasty success.

3. You Are Always Making Future Plans

You and your bestie love to discuss your futures together; you want to go travelling to Thailand together, and next week you are going to check out that new steak restaurant. It doesn’t matter that you won’t do everything you plan; you will do most of it, and the memories will be epic.

4. You Have Fun Together Whether You Stay In Or Go Out

You and your bestie have had some crazy, fun nights dancing until 4am while drinking tequila, but you’ve had some equally awesome nights snuggled up on the sofa watching funny movies. It doesn’t matter what you two do, as long as you’re having fun together.

5. You Have Seen Them At Their Best – And Their Worst

You have celebrated your friend’s job promotion together, and you’ve cuddled them for hours after their romantic relationship ended. You love your best friend no matter what, and you feel secretly honored that they want to share both their joyous and sad moments with you.

6. You Do Everything Together – Even The Boring Stuff

You may go on holiday together and go out for delicious meals, but you also do grocery shopping together, and one time you actually went to the dentist with your bestie. It doesn’t matter if the plans sound fun on paper – being together means the day will be fun.

7. They Are The Only Person You Want To See On A Bad Day

When you have a hard day they are the first person you call. From hangovers to a hellish boss, you know they will patiently listen to you rant, and when you’re ready, they will make you laugh and cheer you up.

8. You Know Their Family As Well As Your Own

You’ve heard about their family drama, and you’ve looked through all of their family photographs on Facebook. Sometimes you feel like you’re part of the family – especially since you all regularly have dinner together.

9. You Can Disagree Without Fighting

You and your bestie can bicker about small things, like favorite TV shows and if mushrooms taste good. However you never actually fall out about anything, because you know they will always still be there for you at the end of the conversation – no matter what.

10. They Are Your Better Half And You Can’t Imagine Not Being Their Bestie

They make you a better person in lots of different ways; they make you kinder and more forgiving, and they often force you to exercise with them. They are good for your mind, body and soul, and no one else compares to them – (maybe not even your actual spouse!) What do you think of these signs? Share this with your bestie to let them know they are basically your spouse!