1. Your relationships with others

Friendships oil the motor of our lives. There is nothing as devastating as having everything and not having the support group of friends who have always been there with you along the way to share your joys with. Never be humble about your friends, flaunt them and make them aware of this.

2. Your attitude

When you have a friendly and positive attitude that helps you sail through difficult times, then you have another accomplishment in the bag. Your attitude and approach to life distinguishes you from others and you should never be humble about this.

3. What you have learned

Learning doesn’t come cheap, whether it is the conventional or the unconventional process of learning. Be happy about the knowledge life has dealt you with because it will make you understand yourself and the world better.

4. Your accomplishments

It could be a course you took, it could be a commendation at a job, it could be a responsibility that you have judiciously taken care of, it could be starting a business against all odd, it could be taking a bold decision; whatever your accomplishments are, flaunt it and always be aware that it counts.

5. Your finances

It takes effort and work to make money. It also takes discipline to spend it judiciously or save it. As far as you have some money in the bank or have been able to afford certain things in your life, you should be happy and never be humble about this.

6. Your leisure activities

It could be that helpful post you just posted on Facebook or Twitter, it could be that book you just bought and read, it could be traveling to a recent destination or climbing a mountain; your leisure activities do count. Make sure you never embrace humility for this.

7. Your appearance

Something in your appearance could be what makes you wow others. This could be your physical appearance or how you speak or how you have been able to make yourself look younger after all these years. You should be proud of your appearance.

8. Your charitable causes

There is always an opportunity for you to show compassion and display that you care. There is that day you made a visit or called someone to show how much you cared, or simply saying I love you to someone who needed it or contributing to assist disaster survivors. Whatever way you have added to the positive flow of energy to life is worth being proud of.

9. Your relationship with yourself

In an age when social media and technology have stormed into our private lives, it is noteworthy when you have been able to build a relationship with yourself. This could be through fighting and ridding yourself off a habit, or developing some sense of self awareness.

10. Your skills

Maybe you are a wonderful writer or a fantastic chef: whatever your proficiency is, always be happy and proud you have been able to create something out of virtually nothing. Embrace your abilities and never be humble about your skills, no matter how unimportant they may seem. Featured photo credit: Man in depression via shutterstock.com