If left unexplained, people could go their whole lives disliking others just for the tattoos on their skin. To assist with this, here are ten things you may have never considered about people with tattoos.
1. They are resilient
No matter how tough you are, or how tough you think you are, getting ink under your skin is a painful process. People with tattoos demonstrate physical resilience and courage by making the decision to undergo that pain. The rude remarks and criticism they receive from others also requires a degree of emotional resilience to handle…
2. They can turn the other cheek
With all the criticism tattooed people receive, it would be difficult not to lash out at anyone who speaks ill of them. Let’s not forget to appreciate how considerate they are towards people who may not put the effort in to try and understand them. Not everyone can brush away hateful comments, so you at least have to respect that.
3. They are committed
Tattoos are for life. To get one means that you are ready to commit to something for the rest of your life. This has positive implications for their commitment to friendships and other types of personal and business relationships.
4. They know themselves
There are millions of different types of tattoos in the world, however tattooed people know which tattoos they want. This says a lot about their knowledge of their bodies and emotions. They know what they want and can make permanent decisions.
5. They appreciate deeper meaning
Some tattoos are trivial and it is difficult to understand the deeper meaning they hold. Those with tattoos are able to see past something mundane and turn it into something more meaningful.
6. They are (probably) not horrible parents
It is a common misconception that a man with a skull inked into his arm would make a horrible father. Just because they look scary doesn’t mean that they’re going to treat their children badly.
7. They can appreciate unconventional beauty
Some tattoos are beautiful and elegant – others are a little more of an acquired taste. A tattoo that looks absurd and ugly to the outside world can have an undertone of beauty to those who understand the significance behind them.
8. They are certain about job prospects
Certain jobs don’t allow tattoos, especially visible ones. The decision to get a tattoo entails that you are aware of the limitations you’re going to have when looking for a job, or keeping your current one. It makes sense to say that tattooed people know what kind of career they want to pursue.
9. They can be mysterious
People often wonder about the meanings behind obscure tattoos. If you can’t see the artistic meaning behind it, then maybe they won’t even tell you. There is nothing more attractive than someone who holds a little bit of mystery about them. Tattoos are the visible representation of a person’s thoughts, emotions and/or personality, so to understand the tattoos on someone’s skin, you need to get on their level of mystery.
10. They know how to make themselves look good
Fashion becomes a little bit more complicated when tattoos come into the picture. Not only do you have to pick clothing and accessories that make you look good. You also need to think about fashion that will complement the tattoos on your body. For visible tattoos especially, matching color schemes and clothing style becomes extra important. It is probably not something often considered that tattooed people put a lot of consideration into their appearance.