Here are 10 tips that will instantly fuel your self-esteem:

1.Set your sleep state

Before you fall asleep, remind yourself of all of your positive qualities and attributes. The last five minutes of your day before you enter into your sleep state are actually the most important five minutes of the day. During this time, you are going to actually tell your subconscious mind how you feel. It makes sense doesn’t it to fill your mind with all that is right about you and not with what is wrong? Let go of all the day’s worries and look forward to a new day and a new beginning.

2. Rise and shine

Set your positive mood for the day as soon as you wake up. Those first few minutes upon waking are a perfect time to set your mindset and mood for the upcoming day. The attitude of gratitude is definitely the foundation for a positive life so before you get out of bad each morning, reflect and give thanks for all the wonderful things in your life. When you start to focus on all of your blessings, you will realize that you are far richer than you think.

3. Practice affirmations

Basically an affirmation is a short statement which affirms something to be true. Affirmations are a proven method of self-improvement because of their ability to rewire our brains and said often enough and with conviction, affirmations can enhance your world and build up your self-esteem. You could repeat the following affirmations if you are unsure of where to start: I am strong I believe in myself I approve of myself Continuously filling your mind with what is right and not what is wrong will improve every area of your life. 4. Back yourself Back every decision you make. There is no-one more qualified than you to decide on your life’s future direction. Don’t allow others to dull your shine or deplete your self-esteem. Commit to accomplishing all of your personal and professional goals on your own terms. This is your life. Commit to living it passionately. Nothing fuels self-esteem more than living your life’s purpose. 5. Mind your language Our self talk fuels our health, our wellbeing and our self-esteem. Negative self talk really is an easy habit to slip into, especially if you are surrounded by negative people or are just feeling overwhelmed. Take notice of your self talk from now on. Negative self talk can influence your outlook on life, your energy levels, your relationships and even your health. Do you constantly use phrases like “I can’t; I am not good enough; I am stupid?” Make a commitment to quit the negative self talk for life. Start to take the necessary steps to clean up your vocabulary. Remove negative descriptive words and phrases and commit to replacing them with ones that are positive. You know how uplifting it is when someone pays you a genuine compliment? Well, don’t wait for that to happen. Be your own best friend and start to acknowledge all of your positive qualities and mind blowing achievements.

6. Mind your thoughts

Your mind is like a garden bed. If you plant powerful, positive seeds in your mind, your whole being will flourish. Make it a habit to de-clutter your mind throughout the day. Don’t underestimate the power of your thoughts. Just as thoughts can escalate stress, they can also relieve stress. Start to really focus on what thoughts you are repeatedly having. What are you filling your mind with? You know positive thoughts really do call forth a positive life so harness the power of your own thoughts and beliefs to ensure your self-esteem is overflowing.

7. Say NO

Start saying no to perfectionism and comparisons. A great way to deplete your self-esteem is to continuously compare yourself to others. Most of us would readily admit that no good ever comes from comparing our own life to anyone else’s, but yet whether we like it or not, so many of us are guilty of doing it. Next time you catch yourself using someone else as a benchmark for your own worth, here is a powerful tip – STOP! Instead, gently shift your energy and attention to your own achievements, your personal goals and your positive qualities and attributes. How you measure up against others holds absolutely no importance in your life. Why compare yourself to others? No one in the world can do a better job of being you than you. And while you are at it, say NO to Perfectionism. Being perfect is simply unattainable for all of us. Let it go. Aim to be the healthiest, best version of YOU instead.

8. Express yourself

If we express our needs, wants, values and boundaries clearly and confidently to our family and friends, this will keep self-esteem levels well and truly overflowing. It is healthy to speak your truth and manage your energy. Both mental and physical energy requires attention and your energy can easily be depleted especially by others if you do not prioritize what feels right for you.

9. Be true to yourself

Live your life doing what feels right for you, not what someone else thinks you should do!

10. Practice self-care

If we make healthy choices every day in regards to food and exercise, we will absolutely be rewarded with wellness, increased vitality and we will definitely improve our self esteem levels. If we do just a few things regularly to renew our energy and revitalize our spirit, like witness a sunrise or sunset, hug our loved ones, laugh with our friends, or walk on the beach, this will improve our wellbeing and will also help to boost our self esteem. We all have days where we feel depleted on all levels, but make the effort to invest in yourself every day. Remind yourself often of your magnificence. Prioritizing your self care, your wellness and building self esteem is one of the greatest ways that you can show love to yourself, your family and to your friends. Featured photo credit: Stokpic – Ed Gregory via