1. Find your passion
When creative people are passionate about their work, they usually love what they do. They are motivated by the work because of the challenges and the gratification it provides. Many research studies have suggested that internal motivation raises creativity, while other extrinsic motivational aspects such as monetary rewards damage productivity and truly original ideas.
2. Believe in breakthrough ideas
Strangely, this basic idea to get minds around and believing that a breakthrough is possible is the most difficult part for people. There is a simple fact that if you are seeking an innovative idea then, it means that your brain is proficient in creating such idea. Your “sense” recognizing a problem or thinking about the solution to encounter that problem, is a positive sign that your brain is capable of delivering the good. You will always find hurdles to implement the idea. Though, you will always come up with creative ideas and new approaches that jump those hurdles.
3. Work with the information
Whenever you encounter a problem, think long and hard about the problem. Brainstorm as many ideas as you can to eradicate the problem. Get as much information as you can and go over the material, look into every detail. Learn all the information about the topic that you’re interested in. Don’t give up — stretch your mind and exhaust your brain until you come up with the solution.
4. Don’t think about unnecessary questions “what” and “how.”
Most of the time we waste our time and resources by thinking about unnecessary things like “what” the goal you’re looking for, like searching for a great idea for a new product. The “how” involves the ways you look to achieve those objectives in the past. You look for a great idea because your “how” isn’t leading you to your “what.” Therefore, further thinking about “what” and “how” will knock your head against the wall, which ultimately stops you from achieving success.
5. Intensively think about “why.”
The question “why” drives you to reach your questions mentioned above: “what” and “how.” For instance, in most cases, you don’t look for a solution to a problem, but to feel a sense of relief and gratification, once the problem is resolved. That’s your “why.” Similarly, before launching a new product idea, you need the certain knowledge and assessment about how you are going to improve people’s lives; only then you will feel the achievement by changing the world.
6. Be flexible
Whenever you are “struck,” find an inspiration to change the course of your life. Generally, these new ideas lead you in an entirely new direction that had not occurred previously. These “break thought ideas” become the innovations which can change the situation completely.
7. Embrace uncertainty
Creativity comes out from a progression of unplanned influences, imaginative and corresponding thoughts, unforeseen calamities, and at unforeseen times. That means if you stay calm in the middle of intense uncertainty and defect situations, you will be aware that uncertainty is the introduction to your creative thoughts. When you embrace uncertainty, you embrace creativity.
8. Share your idea with the world
Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and ideas with others. Be willing to share them directly with the critics around you. They will help you to form it into a more realistic idea. Let them highlight the weaknesses and flaws of the idea, and remedies to correct them.
9. Keep doing hard work
We all are aware that no success comes overnight. Behind every success there is years of hard work and struggle. Successful entrepreneurs always believe in giving 100% efforts toward everything they do. By giving your best effort, by no means you will have any intention for regrets. Always keep focusing on things you are doing, stay concentrated on your work, and accept the results.
10. Write down everything
Many studies have suggested that writing down thoughts decreases our stress and boosts comfort, in accumulation this is a brilliant way to come up with breakthrough ideas. Write down as many prospects and ideas as you can think of. Whatever you have written down are potential intuitions. They might lead to breakthroughs.