Don’t worry, the cure is out there! Like negative thoughts, a positive outlook can be just as contagious, but contains even more power when it comes to channeling your happiness. Start harnessing your positivity today by following 10 easy ways to kick the negativity bug.

1. Start Your Day on the Right Foot

Literally, begin by waking up on the ‘right’ side of the bed. You can leave a note on your bedside with encouraging words that say, “You will do great things today.” Also, customize your wake-up alarm to an uplifting or upbeat song. This will instantly change your attitude about waking up. Then, make sure you eat a good breakfast to jump-start your metabolism and give you energy to face the day.

2. Whistle While You Work

Snow White and her seven dwarfs had something right when they whistled while they worked. Humming and singing a happy tune can help you expel negative energy and calm your nerves and anxiety. Think of this as a small escape from what’s bothering you, and travel to your ‘happy place.’ Releasing your negative energy through humming can reinforce positive thinking.

3. Smile More, Whine Less

The common cliché about it taking fewer muscles to smile than frown is not necessarily true; however, smiling is more effortless. A simple grin can break your cycle of negativity. So, whining may get you instant gratification, but that can be short-lived. Consider changing your outlook for the better and try to see the silver lining in things.

4. Keep Things in Line with Checks and Balances

Stop becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy and think positive. Continue to build your own self-talk by exercising what you think and say about yourself. Instead of saying, “I can’t do anything right,” try, “I will do the best that I can in this moment.” A little positive spin or words of empowerment can build your confidence and help you face your challenges.

5. Catch the Positivity Bug

Let loose and laugh by surrounding yourself with positive people. Venting is okay in some respects, but too much complaining and gossip will leave you feeling empty and dissatisfied. Break the pattern and find optimistic people to seek advice or to get your mind off things for a while.

6. Exercise Philanthropy

Ebenezer Scrooge found one of his greatest rewards in giving on Christmas Day in A Christmas Carol. In giving to others, you’ll find intrinsic and extrinsic rewards that will leave you with a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Know the impact of helping others and make a difference in someone’s life. You can demonstrate a small act of kindness, like making copies for a co-worker, or pay it forward and buy someone’s lunch. Great or small, kindness counts.

7. Know Your Assets

Putting your thoughts on paper can be great medicine for fighting your negativity. Write down things in your life that are going well or make a list of your strengths. Showing yourself all the positives will put you in a lighter mood.

8. Inspire Action

Simply stated, set goals for you to think about your life and happiness. Start small with something you can achieve in a day and smile when you accomplish your goal. Then, make larger goals to continually strive to achieve. Keep yourself focused on bettering your life.

9. Rekindle Your Passion

Work is not just about monetary gain. Often times it is a calling, a passion that drives us to work and help others. Remind yourself why you are working and how you can positively impact others. Channel your passion and find something about your job that you love. This will help you boost your self-confidence in your abilities.

10. Above All, Love Yourself

When you are under pressure and life is stressful, always take care of yourself and be responsible for your own personal happiness and well-being. Consider your basic needs, such as healthy eating and sleep. Be kind to yourself and practice daily self-care routines to keep positive and productive. No matter what tough situation you face, don’t forget to practice these techniques to induce positive thinking. Remember to love yourself and all that you have going for you. You’ll break the habit of negative thinking and feel more refreshed and confident, ready to face whatever challenges may arise next.