1. He is calm, cool and ready to listen

A simple guy wants to know what your problems are and is ready to be there to listen. A simple guy is attentive and he won’t halt you as you uncover your fears, worries and problems on him.

2. He wants you to laugh or at least he wants to see you smile

Sometimes what he says may be ridiculous. But his intention is to ease you and make you relaxed. And yes, he can make you laugh at almost any situation; even during moments you do not want to laugh.

3. He is not combative

There are times when emotions are high and we have cause to say something spiteful or get vengeful. But a simple guy is not after creating problems where they do not exist. He doesn’t want to amplify a crisis. Perhaps this is because of his tender nature or his discomfort at picking fights.

4. He is not domineering

Although he wants to be there for you and to be supportive of your actions, he doesn’t bully you to have his way. Even when it may seem you are stubborn and not willing to give in, he will always be there to have you come home to a “welcome back” gift.

5. He is sincere

Simple guys don’t play games. They don’t have the attitude to lie to you or manipulate you. To the simple guy, playing games is immature.

6. Simple activities with you are great

Simple and unsophisticated activities such as watching his sports team win or getting him pizza is enough to make a great day with him.

7. He likes you the way you are

He is not concerned about your change in weight, beliefs or principles. He understands that everyone has his or her own right to make decisions. And he is able to accept these decisions without any fuss or ill-temper. Your individuality is a celebration for him.

8. He doesn’t freak out

If you are not responding his text messages, chats or returning his calls his not enough for him to have an emotional outburst. He doesn’t freak out because he is sensitive to your every action.

9. He is patient

There could be difficult situations in your relationship that is meant to make him panic or intolerant of you. However he is brilliant at so such moments. He exercises patience and takes hardships as they come. He thinks and carefully analyzes the situation rather than react to it in frenzy.

10. He is comfortable with the people you care about

There is no tension when you introduce him to strangers. As far as you are cool with this person, he is willing to go along with it. He gets along with everyone.

11. He is not going to steal you away

He understands that you are also obligated to your friends and family. When you are happy with your friends and family, it makes him glad.

12. He forgives

When you hurt him, he doesn’t hold grudges. Once explanations are provided, he forgets it and moves on to getting you Italian food. There are many great reasons to have a simple guy around. If you want a loving man for the long term, it is better to stick to that simple guy and appreciate him all along the way. Featured photo credit: Young fun couple biting into a cotton candy floss sweet at the same time while visiting an amusement park during a sunny day. via shutterstock.com