But is it possible to emulate his success? Here are 12 core signs that you have what is needed in order to follow in his footsteps:

1. You have a grand vision that is bigger than anything you hope to achieve in a lifetime.

Do you have expectations and dreams that far outweigh your current resources or abilities? Then, chances are, you’re a natural-born entrepreneur. Taking action is a challenge and one that takes consistent effort and hard work. And knowing the challenges ahead of you, you aren’t afraid to push the envelope.

2. You’re courageous and thrive under pressure.

Owning Virgin Group isn’t easy! With more than 200 umbrella companies at his disposal, Branson requires the ability to manage others, delegate time and resources, and above all, know when to have fun, which Sir Richard definitely knows how to do in spades. Spend time learning and honing the core business skills needed to excel as your ventures grow. You never know when you might need them in times of pressure.

3. You see positives and opportunities in things that other’s don’t seem to see.

When starting something new, there will be people going against you who will doubt your abilities, or view your ideas as impractical or a bad investment. Perhaps you have a plan to start a Virgin Records, with an idea to sign on budding musicians who are otherwise unable to get signed elsewhere. Will you fold under pressure of your doubtful peers, or keep going despite the naysayers? It could mean the difference between being the owner of Necker Island or a small house in the suburbs.

4. You’re a self-starter and don’t require anyone’s permission to do so.

To achieve Richard-Branson-like success, you must be willing to take Richard-Branson-like action. Building a business is a lot like getting a plant to flower. If it isn’t watered regularly, it will stagnate and not grow to its full potential. Furthermore, you must be willing to be self-motivated and not be dependent on others in order to get started.

5. You’re passionate and energetic.

If you’re not waking up every morning with a sense of fire and urgency in your stomach, then you’re doing something wrong. When Richard Branson isn’t running his company, he’s setting world records in a hot air balloon, collecting memorable vintage cars and organizing trips to space. Find out what excites you and make a promise to yourself to take relentless action.

6. You’re highly self-confident, bordering on arrogant.

It takes great confidence and cockiness to name a company Virgin and make it work. Richard Branson wasn’t afraid of being controversial and was simply able to pull it off due to his strength of character and comfort in who he is and not being ashamed of that.

7. You’re not afraid of being different from everyone else.

When placed in the public spotlight, it’s very easy to clam up in your shell and not expose yourself due to fear of public disapproval. Are you able to feel comfortable with yourself despite being different from everyone else? Standing out is scary, but one that leaves a positive effect on others, as it certainly did for Richard Branson. Don’t be afraid of standing out. It’s what makes his brand unique and iconic.

8. You’re not easily affected by your deficits or weaknesses.

While Richard Branson had his fair share of weaknesses, having been diagnosed as dyslexic at a young age, it certainly didn’t stop him from becoming the man that he is today. Are your weaknesses giving you excuses to not go out and try? Whatever you think you may have as a deficit, see it as a driving force to propel you to great heights.

9. You place as much importance on balance and having fun as your ambitions.

Ambition is infectious and usually spills over into other areas of your life. If you’re not making moves on your business, you’re making moves to live a great life in all areas of it. Whether it’s your relationships, your family, your hobbies or your social activities. The bigger your ambitions are, the bigger your adventures tend to become. Like taking flights into space!

10. You place family first and foremost ahead of your business ventures.

When working hard on your ambitions, you tend to realize that your family is perhaps the most important aspect of your life when it comes to winding down and finding shelter to ease your tension after a hard day’s work. When Richard Branson isn’t working hard on his businesses, he is together with his wife and two kids, enjoying the fruits of his labor and sharing his life with the ones he loves. You can live a happy life without a thriving business, but you certainly can’t live a happy life if you neglect your loved ones.

11. You’re willing to contribute to society and good causes.

Richard Branson is a philanthropist and has done his best to provide his value and resources to those in need. Are you willing to give and share your values with others for nothing in return? A key characteristic of all successful people is that there comes a point when they feel compelled to give back. It’s the most rewarding aspect of being successful and makes you feel more satisfaction in return.

12. Your positivity, ambition and assurance is infectious.

Maybe your parents never believed in your ambitions to become an astronaut, but it certainly didn’t stop Richard Branson from believing in himself. So much so that his own mother was convinced to the point of saying he would one day become the Prime Minister of England. Believe in your ambitions with enough conviction that others have no choice but to believe in you, too. Success will simply become inevitable, because it takes belief in order to achieve.