1. They live out their purpose

While most may picture someone with a nice car, house, and a corner office as a successful person, this “picture” couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact that someone enjoys all the material “blessings” of life, does not make them highly successful. A highly successful person understands that success is more than just getting stuff, it’s about how that stuff is gotten, meaning: how did they achieve it? Was it a fulfilling experience? Was the money earned, truly earned, or was it a sell out of one’s soul to meet bills and live life without fully understanding one’s purpose? Steve Jobs summed it up beautifully when he said: “don’t waste your time living someone else’s life.” Sure, the successful person may be filled with stuff but only by living someone else’s life. The highly successful individual may not have everything but is quite fulfilled with his life and in matters of success that is truly what matters.

2. They understand the meaning of the word “balance”

You have the career, the life, you think you are successful, but, are you really? Highly successful individuals understand the importance of balance in every aspect of their lives. They believe that in order to be truly successful they must take care of themselves: physically, mentally and spiritually. This includes exercising, taking care of one’s mind and living for something much greater than themselves. Balance among these three pillars of life is what makes them highly successful! They are simply well in tune with recognizing the importance of all of life’s components, whether big or small.

3. They don’t have time for gossip

Life is too short to be spent gossiping about others, something successful people may do when the competition strolls around. Highly successful individuals honor everyone around them and truly appreciate the gift each person brings into the world. They don’t have time to dive into the dirty details of the competition; instead, they treat everyone with dignity and respect. Highly successful individuals fully understand the meaning of each moment lived and never intend on wasting it on meaningless tasks.

4. They know when it’s time to rest

Every now and then we have to take a break! A highly successful individual knows when it is time to rest. He or she is more than successful, he or she is wise! He or she understands the need to take a break to recharge and re-discover one’s self. It is during times of quietness and rest that highly successful individuals can re-evaluate balance in their lives, in order to remain focused on their goals.

5. They understand the value of time

We’ve all heard it before: “time is what life is made up of.” This couldn’t be more true! For the highly successful individual, time is everything. hether they are working or resting; they understand the time they have is a gift and must be spent wisely. Even while at rest, the time they spend must be time well spent! Every second is precious and every moment is enjoyed, knowing that in the end, time is the one thing no human can buy and therefore, the most precious thing of all.

6. They are all about giving back

Highly successful individuals understand that in order to live life to the fullest and enjoy the fruit of their labor, they must be willing to give back to their communities. They understand that more than a nice thought, it is their duty and responsibility to share their wealth and time with those in need. This generosity is what makes them highly successful as they remain grounded and connected to those who are less fortunate.

7. They do not compromise their integrity

Cheat to get ahead? That is never an option for the highly successful individual. Instead, they believe honor and courage are the ingredients that have led them to their success, and those are the same ingredients they will need to remain in their success and truly enjoy it. Cheap wins are never appealing to the highly successful.

8.  They are willing to mentor

Highly successful individuals thrive on helping others achieve their success. They have no problem taking someone under their wing and showing them the path they should take to achieve their goals. They do not feel threatened by the young and ambitious, instead, they believe they must guide the new generations as they will become the future.

9. They know that they don’t know

Highly successful individuals are wise enough to admit what they don’t know. They may have learned the hard way that they do not know everything but that is a lesson they will never forget. They seek wiser people for guidance and weigh all options before stepping out into the unknown. They know what they don’t know and that is quite alright with them.

10. They never give up

Yes, this one sounds cliche-ish but the truth is that highly successful people never give up. They will press on despite the obstacles they face and that is why they succeed. While most people would give up on their third or fourth try, for the highly successful individual, failures are simply life lessons that get them one step closer to achieving the victory they seek.

11. They never indulge in pity parties

Life is throwing everything and anything in their way; all that could go wrong has in fact gone wrong, but the highly successful individual stands strong. They understand life is full of difficulties and focusing on those difficulties by throwing self-pity parties is not going to get them anywhere. Instead, they stand tall, they stand strong and courageously face life, literally affirming that they will fight back and win the battle. Victim behavior is not for the highly successful individual, it is instead for the individual that never wins.

12. They never lose hope

Even when all odds are against them, highly successful individuals never lose hope. They believe that hope is life’s soul and without it, everything is truly lost. Hope that each day here on earth has the possibility of being better than the day before is what drives them. This romantic hope is what allows them to give their best in everything they do.

13. They love their enemies

Yes, you heard that right and it is true. Highly successful individuals understand the horrible implications that harboring hate in their hearts can bring into their lives. Therefore, with courage and conviction, highly successful individuals set out to spread love and kindness, even on those they can’t get along with. After all, loving friends its easy, the true courage and power is in loving those that are not so easy to love. Featured photo credit: Victor Hanacek via picjumbo.com