Choosing your method of waking up, now that’s an entirely different story. Check out these creative wake up ideas to wake yourself (and your loved ones) up in the morning so that you have enough time to prepare for the day ahead.

1. Preset Your Coffee Maker

Unless you’re okay with cold coffee in the morning, a warm cup of coffee waiting for you nearby is often enough to get up any regular coffee drinker. Purchase a coffee maker that you can load up the night before and set on a timer to be ready when you wake up.

2. Make it a Contest

Who can resist kicking butt no matter what time of day it is? Use incentives to get your family up in the morning. Compete against your partner and see who can get ready first – while still looking presentable – or pit your children against one another. Offer a reward to whoever wins, whether it’s allowing the winner to make the decision on the next date night or letting the winning child choose which cartoon to watch after school.

3. Wake Your Kids Up to a Dance Party

A jolt of excitement in the morning is an easy way to wake your body up. When your kids only dive beneath the covers when you try to wake them for school, give them a surprise. Start up some music (not so loud that it pushes them farther under the covers) and break out in a dance number, encouraging your kids to join you.

4. Wake Up to a Workout

You may have a daily personal training session or scheduled time at the gym, but that’s no guarantee that you’ll get up. Start your day off with 30 bicep curls. If you have this alarm clock, you have no choice. It won’t shut off until you’ve finished the set. It has an internal motion sensor, you can’t cheat!

5. Wake to a Chase

Are you one to constantly press the snooze button time after time? Clocky doesn’t allow you to do that. After one snooze, the clock will jump off your nightstand and hide from you until you get up to turn it off. The best part? It’s only a $10 investment to get you up on time every morning.

6. Enjoy the Sunshine

Maybe you can’t wake up at the same time the sun rises, leaving that natural light fairly useless as an alarm system. But you can simulate a sunrise in your room with a clock like this. It works by gradually lighting up to help you wake naturally -only you get to control the sunrise. With a clock like this, you’ll enjoy a more pleasant morning routine.

7. Schedule an Appointment

There’s nothing worse than being late for something important. Force yourself to wake up earlier by scheduling important things in the morning like personal training sessions, meetings, or breakfast dates with friends.

8. Use SnūzNLūz

The SnūzNLūz alarm clock is perhaps one of the best ways to wake you up in the morning by using money as an incentive. No, you don’t get paid when you get up on time, but it will cost you if you choose to sleep in. The clock connects to your bank account and will donate money to your charity of choice (preferably one you don’t want to donate to!) if you press the snooze button.

9. 3…2…1…Blastoff!

Wake each morning to a rocket launch. This nifty alarm clock shoots a toy rocket in the air and doesn’t turn off until you return the rocket to the base, forcing you to get up and find the rocket before you can enjoy peace and quiet again.

10. Throw Away the Key

The night before you go to bed, lock your alarm clock or phone in a box next to your bed. Hide the key outside of your bedroom before you go to bed so that you’re forced to get up before you can turn off your annoying alarm and reunite with your phone once more!

11. Send the Dog In

If your kids are having a tough time waking up, send Fido in to do the dirty work. His kisses are sure to wake the kids up, and they can’t even be mad about it. Seriously, who could get mad at the family dog?

12. Wake Up to a Carpet Alarm

Have a tough time getting out of bed? This carpet alarm won’t shut off until you do. It’s a cozy item that doubles as a genius way to get you up in the morning. It doesn’t shut off until your feet hit the floor.

13. Go to War

If every morning seems like war in your house, play along. Use this sonic grenade to get your kids up in the morning. Simply pull the pin, throw it in your child’s room, and get out of the way!

14. Wake to Silence

If you want a quiet, peaceful means of getting up in the morning, try this silent alarm clock. It’s a bracelet that wakes you up by sending vibrations through your arm.

15. Wake to Sweet Vibrations

If nothing else seems to work, wake to your vibrator with a Wake-Up Vibe alarm clock (for women). Featured photo credit: lauren rushing via