1. Ginger

Peel and grate some fresh ginger from your supermarket and mix it in with some squeezed lime juice and a tablespoon of honey for a tasty treat that will offer relief. There are also many ginger teas available if you prefer an easier fix that doesn’t require much preparation.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water. If the flavor is too much, add a tablespoon of honey (is it me or does honey make everything better?).

3. Bananas

This wonder fruit contains the polysaccharide pectin which helps produce natural (less runny) bowel movements.

4. Peppermint

According to a study by the University of Maryland, peppermint can offer relief from practically any stomach ailment you can think of. For example, peppermint helps indigestion by calming stomach muscles so your food can digest with better ease.

5. Chamomile

Did you eat something that didn’t agree with your stomach? Drink a cup of chamomile tea and enjoy its anti-inflammatory properties that should help you feel better.

6. White Rice

Starchy foods like rice will coat the lining of your stomach, digest with relative ease, and offer you some relief.

7. Burnt Toast

If you wake up with an achy stomach, go ahead and fix your morning toast but burn it on purpose. The char (burnt portion) will absorb the toxins that are causing your problem. If the taste makes you say “eww,” just add a dab of jelly or honey and you won’t even notice.

8. Yogurt

If you’re lactose intolerant, please disregard this point. Otherwise, eat a bowl of yogurt for its probiotic qualities. Probiotics are live bacteria that will ease your discomfort and boost your immunity from sickness.

9. Baking Soda

Pour a spoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Expect a burp to escape your lips, which will hopefully relieve any stomach pressure. This mixture provides an effect similar to antacids but without any unwanted side-effects. Squeeze in a bit of lemon for taste if you desire.

10. Cayenne

You might be surprised I would suggest eating a hot pepper to help with stomach pain but according to a study at NYU, cayenne can offer relief from stomach pain, bloating, and nausea.

11. Applesauce

Applesauce offers a high dose of fiber which will get the problem food moving through your digestive tract. If diarrhea is what ails you, natural applesauce just might be your best bet.

12. Heat

Get a bottle of hot water or heated pad and apply it to your abdomen. This will increase circulation and blood flow in your belly (plus the warmth will be a comforting distraction from that pain). 

13. Water

If your stomachache is a symptom of that crazy night at the bar, a lot of your problem is due to how dehydrated you must be, so you gotta drink up (even if that’s the last thing you want to do). Stay away from caffeinated beverages which will just add to your problem.

14. Soup

The liquid in a hot bowl of soup will help you stay hydrated and is easily digested. Go ahead and add some crackers since they will go down easily and give you some much-needed energy.

15. Be Mindful

Becoming a mindful eater will help you create a happier future with food free from the stomach pain that ails you. Stomach pains are typically a result of eating too much, eating too fast, or eating the wrong things. If your stomach is upset regularly, start a food diary. Write down the foods you consume and how they make you feel (i.e. happy/energetic/fulfilled/nourished or sad/tired/unfulfilled/deprived). The problem foods should become clear in a hurry, so go ahead and replace them with better options that make you (and your stomach) happy. If you’d like to improve your relationship with food today, check out this list of over 100 quick-and-easy healthy foods.

Are you aware of any other neat home remedies that relieve stomach pain? If so, comment below.