2. They Make Sense

Additionally, these people talk a lot, but in the spectrum of things, they also make a lot of sense. They know what they are talking about, off their head, and they are good at conversing and explaining in a way that is easy for you to understand.

  3. They Make You Think

Not only do these people make you think, but they make you think differently than before. This is the uniqueness of persuasive people that you too should pursue. The world is a better place when you have more than one source of input- but a variety makes the world much more enriching and lively indeed. That is for sure – so next time, let your mind wander into their world.

4. They Make It Interesting

We all know having to deal with the awfully boring conversation don’t we? But persuasive people have this uncanny and brilliant ability to make what they are saying more interesting to the human ear. They will give you examples and details that will make for a more interesting conversation for not only them, but you too.

5. They Know What They Want

These people also know exactly what they want, hence, them trying to convince you to understand what they are talking about. If you know what you want, there isn’t anything you can’t handle right?

6. They Like Challenges

They accept the challenge of you not being able to fully understand them beforehand, so they enjoy the challenge of trying to win you over. That is the exciting part of it all. They bring themselves to the challenge of making you come over to their side – and try their fullest to win you over. For them it like an addiction or a need.

7. They Won’t Stop Unless They Win You Over

They will keep trying to win you over- that is them in a nutshell. If you know that you aren’t budging, they will try something different, in order for you to see the picture. These people will not rest until you are over on their side…it is a good thing because they give their total focus to you.

8. They Give Their Full Attention

This one is a no-brainer. Not only do they give you complete attention, they make sure that you fully comprehend what they are saying. Their undivided attention is all towards you – they are great listeners.

9. They are Motivated Individuals

Persuasive people also are self-motivated and resilient. They inspire and strive to be better every single day- in order to convince others for what they believe in. They are determined to fight – walk the talk in other words.

10. They Know When to Change Paths

If they know something is not going a certain way, they will change direction quickly in order to not waste time, and proceed with caution. If they know you don’t like that much loud noise, they will start speaking more softly, for example.

11. They Show Confidence

Instead of being a nervous wreck, they are confident in themselves to get the task done. They know they have the tools, ideas, and innovation, that is needed to get the job done in a way that is beneficial to themselves and those around them.

12. They Are Determined

They know they will overcome adversity and negativity when it hits them. They are prepared beforehand to reach the sky…and fight till it lasts.

13. They Pay Attention

They give you full attention at all times. They like listening and being listened to at the same time.

14. They are Remarkable Individuals

They are remarkable in the way they talk, act, and listen. Try to act that way yourself. You will see a pronounced difference in the way people start interacting with you.

15. They Probably Won’t Accept Your “No”   

As much as we all hate the word “no,” they hate it more than us. So, if you tell them no, be prepared for a battle. They know what they want and they will persuade you of it despite yourself! Featured photo credit: BJ FOGG, Guest Speaker 25-09-2009 @ via flickr.com