1. They don’t forget to dream

Happy people don’t forget to dream, they believe in themselves and that those dreams are possible, reachable and doable. They make time to dream and make plans for their lives for exactly how they want things to be.

2. They don’t act selfish towards others

Happy people don’t like being selfish, in fact they could never be happy if they were selfish. Instead happy people are compassionate and giving people. they give to others with their time, patience and love.

3. They don’t buy stuff to make them happy

Happy people don’t need to buy materialist goods to make them happy. They don’t have to do ‘retail therapy’ just to feel good. In a society that promotes buying stuff to feel good, happy people know better. Sure they treat themselves but for all the right reasons.

4. They don’t forget to take action

Happy people don’t forget to make their lives matter whether it’s taking action on goals and dreams or taking action to improve their lives, they just do it there is no excuse.

5. They don’t compare themselves to other people

Happy people don’t compare themselves to other people because they know they are special and unique. Comparing yourself to someone else and their achievements is one of the worst things to do to sabotage you confidence and self esteem. You are special and one of a kind.

6. They don’t take life for granted

Happy people don’t take life for granted because they know life is short. They are the people that make the most of their experiences create their own circumstances and appreciate the present moment.

7. They don’t let the world tell them who they should be

Happy people don’t conform. They are trailblazers who follow their heart, who make their own decisions. They are leaders and people who set standards for themselves.

8. They don’t hold regrets

Happy people don’t hold regrets they use mistakes and see them as an opportunity to learn a lesson. Happy people forgive others and let go of anything that will allow them to be unhappy and emotionally drained.

9. They don’t allow negativity

Happy people don’t allow negative people or circumstances to make them angry or get them upset. I’m not saying these emotions are not a natural pat of our existence but i am saying to always be around negative people will drain you leaving you with circumstances you want to avoid. Happy people make the time to be around people that contribute to their happiness.

10. They don’t put others down

They have learned to understand other people’s differences and accept them. When you put other people down it’s usually a sign of your own insecurities. Happy people care for others and never put them down.

11. They don’t forget about their health

Happy people don’t forget to take care of themselves. They are conscious about their health and this could be eating healthy, going to the gym, meditating, taking holidays, pampering sessions… I’m getting carried away but you get the picture!

12. They don’t forget to be thankful

Happy people don’t forget this word. And that word is ‘gratitude’. Being forever grateful, happy people know this is one of the most important things they could ever do. Gratitude allows you to put your focus on all the amazing people and things you have in your life as well as the places, creations of nature and wonders of beauty that have been created for you. By focusing on these circumstances you create for yourself satisfaction instead of the need for more.

13. They don’t waste time

Happy people don’t allow themselves to waste time.Having realized how precious life is, they always use their time wisely. By allowing yourself to waste time you will loose something you can never get back.

14. They don’t forget to focus on what they want

Happy people don’t forget to create for themselves what they truly want in life. Sometimes taking action and moving forward can be scary, but happy people take the plunge anyway instead of staying stuck, unhappy and unfulfilled. Focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want will make your life so much better.

15. They don’t forget to be happy

Happy people (ironically) don’t forget to be happy! Happiness is a a choice and a science. Happiness comes through what we tochoose to think, our thoughts create our feelings, which create emotions and our emotions are what makes us feel happy or unhappy. Choose your thoughts wisely, find out what gets you excited, what energizes you and what you value in life. knowing who you are will allow you to understand what excites you and makes you happy. Featured photo credit: Elizeu Dias via unsplash.com