Here are 15 ways to be a highly remarkable person. Find the bits and pieces of these that fit your personality and you can become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
1. Face your fears.
A remarkable person lives inside of you. Face your fears and let that person be seen by the world. Fears squash creativity. They keep us within our comfort zone. If you want to be the best version of yourself, you must break free of your fears, especially those that hold you back.
2. Do what you love.
Remarkable people do what they love. They don’t let the world dictate their life. They take it by the horns and take back their life. Do what you love and you will be happier, healthier, and more remarkable.
3. Be bold.
Take risks. Never settle. When you leave your comfort level you can truly enhance your life and your influence.
4. Listen.
Often times, the best way to be remarkable and interesting is to listen first. If you listen first, you will already know what interests the people you are talking to.
5. Expose yourself.
Learn a language. Love someone fully. Share your story. Take a class in something that interests you. Or go back to school. Expose yourself to a wide variety of topics. You’ll quickly find that you have a much wider breadth of interests than you expect. And with each new opportunity, you need new people who will help shape and mold the best version of yourself.
6. Solve big problems. Or little ones.
Think of solutions to solve problems that are affecting many people. Whether it’s volunteering at your local homeless shelter or taking a mission trip to a foreign country or even building a device that helps make something a little easier, use your skills to solve problems. Remarkable people help others.
7. Tell stories.
Your experiences are unique. Tell others about them. You may find out more about yourself than you think. By reminiscing and connecting with your past, you can move to the future. Tell the good stories, the bad stories, and be vulnerable. You’ll become more comfortable in your own skin.
8. Be Creative
Find your voice. Come up with your own sayings. Find an art form ore creative outlet that fits your personality. Do you like to write? Start a blog. Do you enjoy reading? Join a book club.
9. Learn something new every day.
When you learn something new each day, you have perspective. Whether you learn something as simple as how to tie a tie to a new word or a new way to put on your make-up, you’ll open your views and have more to say.
10. Be funny. Or witty. Or clever.
Easier said than done, I know. But everyone has a side. Show others your sense of humor, what you find funny, and you’ll find that you connect to people on a much more intimate level.
11. Be open.
Take the person that you show to your friends, your family, even your pets… and show it to the world. Keep private what needs to be, but don’t hide your personality.
12. Talk to strangers.
We often choose friends in a very odd way. We live near them. Or went to school with them. Or know them through our kids. When you are out and about in your daily life, talk to the people who are in the same place and time that you are. You may find that being neighbors is a much more shallow bond than two people who are madly obsessed with a local artist.
13. Help others.
Find ways to make other lives a little better — things as simple as shoveling your neighbors sidewalk to adopting a child in need. You don’t have to change the world. Just change one person’s life.
14. Be honest.
Stand your ground, understand your morals, and don’t cross that line. Whether someone agrees with your views or not, most will respect your opinion. And those who don’t? You’ll learn humility from their close-mindedness.
15. Be yourself.
You already are a remarkable person. You have the qualities already within you. Know and remember this. You don’t have to change. But don’t stay the same. Featured photo credit: Ana_Cotta via