1. You had someone to protect you.

In the mission to become a better person and enjoy the adventures life has to offer, your older sister was there to have your back. She didn’t just protect you; she also made sure you were always safe from the terror of the world.

2. You had someone to look up to.

An older sister is there to act as a pacesetter to all the achievements you will forever make. If she was getting a C, you had to get an A. At least there was something to look up to and records you had to surpass.

3. She was the mother when your parents were not around.

You never had to be lonely when your parents were gone. She stood as a shield and quickly took on the mantle of responsibility in making sure you were well taken care of.

4. There was someone to be proud of.

Whether you felt intimidated or envious when she graduated sum cum laude from a prestigious college or not, you had something to share on your Instagram page.

5. You had someone you could call when you got knocked down.

Life has its way of throwing stones at us. However having an older sister made sure you were not overwhelmed with the frustrating times and you were not beaten by them. You had someone to give a call to provide an illumination when it all seemed dark.

6. There were clothes and toys that you could borrow.

Your sister’s items could also be borrowed and you could feel proud wearing her shoes or clothes to that dinner party because she shared her best items with you.

7. There was someone to give you a good laugh.

You knew your sister wouldn’t fake or pretend. She was always herself around you. That was why humor between the two of you was real and clear.

8. She offered solid advice about the opposite sex.

Yes, she has been through it all, and she could relate with any issues you have about the opposite sex. She never restrained from telling you what she knew. And oh, how this proved beneficial.

9. There were ugly times, but both of you conquered.

There were disagreements and sometimes, it was not just okay between you two. However, you knew how important it was for you to stick together and pummel through the ugly times and build something everlasting.

10. She never forgot your birthdays.

It hurt your feelings when others forgot to recognize such special moments in your life, but to your older sister, it was a duty not only to remember your birthday, but to make sure you got a special gift.

11. She gave you the best graduation party.

She was someone who cherished your achievements just as much as you cherished hers. She was there on your graduation day and made that photo complete.

12. She wanted the best future for you.

Yes, there were times when you just didn’t feel right about what will happen next and did not know what direction your future would take. But she made a future with you. If there was any opportunity, she let you know about it. She planned what would be the best option for you to take.

13. She loved you unconditionally.

It wasn’t about the circumstance being favorable or not. It wasn’t about if she was positive or negative about what choices you were making. She loved you unconditionally and supported you all the way.

14. She was there to build your character.

Having a bigger sister doesn’t mean that you had someone who pampered you outrageously. There were also limitations. If you had to be in your room when her friends were around, that was it. Somehow these limitations made you see the reality of dealing with people and how you could rise above an obstacle.

15. She covered for you.

Sometimes when things went wrong in the house, you never took the blame—your older sister did. She could be scolded or grounded, but that didn’t stop her from going on another risky adventure with you.

Before your first day in school, you were already expected. People referred to you as so-and-so’s sister and somehow you got shielded from all the bullies who would have been happy to take a shot at you.

17. She made a fool of you sometimes.

You would never have taken her too seriously, right? Because despite all her accusations of you being the adopted one, she was only trying to pull a fast one on you and make you look stupid.

18. She was the best babysitter you ever had.

There were other babysitters but she was a special babysitter. Because after the curtains came down, she was the most consistent babysitter you ever had.

19. She was your best friend.

There were secrets between you two—secrets your parents will never hear about. And these secrets bonded you better and made you best friends.

20. She challenged you to become the best person you could be.

Looking back now at all the memories and all the times you spent together and played together, you can’t help but admit that your sister defined and shaped a part of you. She challenged you and gave you more understanding than any teacher would ever give you. Featured photo credit: Two sisters in green on grass, st patricks day via shutterstock.com