These things seem pretty insignificant as compared to other scary health dangers. The toenail conditions are not always painful, so it makes it easier for people to ignore them or think of them as just another cosmetic problem but it is important to know that if these conditions are not treated, they can result in severe health conditions. So treating the toenail conditions is important because its consequences are far more serious than just appearances. Here are some of the possible complications that a toenail infected with fungus can lead to so it is better to be safe than sorry.
1. Foot Pain
If you ignore the infected nail, it can become thick and deformed. It may be painless in the beginning but over time it can become painful. As the time passes, the condition can worsen and you may find it difficult to walk while wearing your shoes. Getting it treated in time can save you a lot of pain and inconvenience.
2. Spreading of Infection
It is a concern for people who are suffering from diabetes or any other chronic conditions. It makes the immune system weak which can cause a lot of problems. If the infection in your toenail caused by fungus spreads to the skin, it will cause the skin to crack. It can cause the bacteria to get in the skin and cause cellulitis. It is a condition that results in a red, swollen and tender skin. It needs to be treated with antibiotics. If the condition worsens even further, the infection can enter the bloodstream and make things even worse. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by treating the fungal infection in the beginning.
3. Spreading of Fungus
If you leave the fungal infection untreated for a long time, it can end up spreading to skin that is surrounding the toenail fungus. It can result in a serious condition known as the athlete’s foot. The symptoms of this disease are red, itchy and cracked skin. If you have an infected toenail, and you are wearing shoes and socks all day, the fungal infection can quickly spread to the skin. Not treating the condition can result in even worse conditions. So make sure you manage it in time.
4. Losing the Nails
The fungus makes the toenails thick and hard, and they can become brittle. The nails that are brittle are easier to break. They can easily crack and chip. If you keep ignoring the fungal infection, the cracking and chipping of the nails can become severe, and you could end up losing your nails. The loss of nails on some occasions can become permanent. The growth of fungus can result in separating the nail from the nail bed, and it happens because of the infection. It causes the nail to fall off, or you may have to remove it surgically before it can do any more damage. If the spread of fungus is not stopped, you can lose many toenails.
Treating the Fungal Infection in Toenail
It is clear that leaving the condition untreated has adverse effects, so it is important to have a good idea on how to treat the condition. The best thing is to see a doctor right away. There are several home remedies as well. You can use tea tree oil, baking soda or the apple cider vinegar to treat the condition. But seeing a doctor will provide you piece of mind and you will know the extent of your condition as well. If the fungal infection is new, the doctor may simply advise you to monitor it. The doctor is not going to prescribe medication right away. Getting the opinion of the doctor will make sure that the condition does not get out of hand. Featured photo credit: Medscape Diseases via