1. Visualize What You Want

Visualizing what you want will help manifest them into reality. Visualize every morning how you want your day to be. Every night, think about the day you just had, focus on the good aspects and then visualize them. Be thankful and grateful that these good things happened. Instead of stressing over the bills, visualize yourself writing the checks to get them paid. Instead of worrying about your boss, visualize yourself being accomplished and productive at work. Visualize where you want to be next week; next year. Don’t fret over the how, when, where, why…just picture yourself there and the rest will fall into place. In “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne, she suggests a ‘vision board’ in addition to the visualizations in your mind. Having a poster or bulletin board decorated with your favorite things; the things you want; the things you hope to acquire, can be a helpful tool.

2. Communication effectively

Visualizing what you want is the first step. Communicating those wants is the second. Don’t let the fear of rejection or insecurity stand in your way of communicating your wants and needs. Speak openly and honestly. Be clear in your terms and what you expect the outcome to be. Be accepting of how others feel and respond, but don’t back down or walk way until your point has been made. Know who you’re talking to, know what you want to say, and be yourself. If you are communicating effectively, a common ground with others can always be met.

3. Ask For What You Want

Do you know how to get what you want? Ask for it! It’s one thing to have good communication, but sometimes just talking isn’t enough; you must come right out and ask. There is nothing wrong with being straightforward and bold. There is no vanity in being honest and confident. You can’t get the promotion at work if you don’t apply for it. You won’t get extra help around the house if you don’t let your family know you need it. Your secret crush won’t be aware of your feelings if you don’t let him or her know about them. There is no guarantee that you’ll always get the answer you are hoping for, but at least you’ll know for sure, and can work on your next strategy from there.

4. Work Hard and Be Persistent

This sounds so cliché, but it’s very true. Knowing how to get what you want is key, but working hard to achieve it is critical as well. You can’t lie back and watch the world go around just because you are aware of what to do; you have to put those thoughts into actions. Getting what you want requires daily motivation and persistence. You can never give up; you can never lose sight. If you are working towards a degree in school, you must study often. If you are working towards a promotion, you must put in extra hours. Make a plan and commit to following through. It won’t always be easy, but when you set your mind to working hard, it can and will be accomplished. Life can sometimes be a struggle, but it never has to feel like a losing battle. Incorporating positive energy into your life on a daily basis will wash out all the negativity that holds you back from getting what you want. Visualize, communicate, ask and work hard, all the successes you want in life will be yours!