Plastic surgery has become one of the most profiting industry, with South Korea leading the nations in these procedures. Perfection has become the main priority and one’s skin becomes the symbol of perfection. Having perfect and flawless skin symbolizes an individual’s social status, which leads to millions of people seeking expensive procedures to fit into the mold of society. However, there are certain less evasive ways to ensure healthy skin. Some of these unique methods may raise eyebrows, but these are natural elements which guarantee positive results.

1. Lemon & Agave Age Fighter

Although we are supposed to grow old gracefully, we sometimes find it hard to accept the fact that it is happening. We find it hard to accept that our bogey music festival lifestyle has come to a halt, and we are choosing quietness and calm adventures instead. Our hands become the first sign of our body aging where age spots become the new decoration. However, a simple treatment will allow you to look youthful in your glorious age: a harmonious combination of lemon, agave, and rice can create wonders to your skin. Find a sunny day to combine your magic paste of a whole lemon, agave extract, and a bowl of cooked of rice. Mix them finely and use them as a scrub on your hands. Wash them off after about five to 10 minutes and compare the difference. Regular practice of this guarantees the vanishing of your age spots, giving you that youthful glow again.

2. Egg White Facial

Growing up in a family which focused on being completely natural, I wasn’t allowed to use products which had been chemically tested or contained a high amount of unnatural ingredients. Furthermore, being a person with lots of allergies and sensitive skin, I find the charcoal content in many makeup products cause my face to itch; these products turn me into Bugs Bunny by the end of the day. However my smart mother came up with a fine solution: egg whites. Every weekend, I use an egg white facial to acts as both an anti-wrinkle cream and a great exfoliator. The ingredients are pretty simple and are easily available; mix in two egg whites with a dash of vinegar and apply it on your face. After 15–20 minutes, wash it off, and your face will feel refreshed and  younger once again. However always keep in mind to keep your face in a pouting position and refrain from talking ; this is to avoid the creation of unwanted wrinkles.

3. Placenta Pills

Among all the natural remedies, this was one that put me off my meal; however my skepticism faded away after a short trial. Kim Kardashian, the new age goddess of poise and beauty, has gotten her private Kim K placenta pills made for her, so why shouldn’t I? The placenta is an organ which becomes the life sac of a fetus . After birth, the placenta comes out of the mother body along with the baby. However, recently it’s been discovered to have various medicinal properties and has been part of Chinese traditional medicine for centuries. Apparently it has the properties of anti-aging, moisturizing, and skin whitening effects. During the introduction of the placenta as medicinal properties, it was usually boiled to retain its nutrients, but recently there are companies whom can transform your placenta into bottled pills. Hence, you will be able to try out the placenta in the form of pills instead of being put off by the sight of the organ.

4. Chick Peas & Tumeric Acne Scrub

Growing up, we have all faced this problem of acne at the peak of puberty. Upon a visit to India, I witnessed the flawless skin of women there. Despite the immense heat, they seem to never break out. Eventually, I found out their secret: it’s just a simple mixture of chickpeas and turmeric root. This scrub prevents them from breaking out into an acne hive. Mixing two whole cups of finely ground chickpeas and natural turmeric powder along with enough almond milk into a fine paste. Then using it as a scrub and apply it all over your body and leave it for a duration of 30–40 minutes before showering it off. A continuous use for about 4–6 weeks will give you clear skin with no acne. You might end up with a slightly yellow tint, but it eventually fades after a few days. For those who prefer a natural way of having flawless skin and being beautiful, do try these methods out. If it worked for me and many others around the world, it will likely give you the same positive result and flawless glow. Featured photo credit: Tumblr via

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