Generating ideas effortlessly

Ideas, ideas, how to create more Ideas 8 tips for better brainstorming Top 10 ways to generate brilliant ideas How to generate ideas: 11 proven lessons from ideas generators Effective brainstorming using mind maps

Doing research to complement your ideas

The best online research apps/sites you’ve never heard of Doing research with an iPad Six ways to organize your research Web search strategies with plain English How to search the Internet faster and easier

Getting started with complete preparation

How to succeed in writing when you aren’t an expert in anything How to improve your writing: 6 iips from a freelance writer How to write for your readers,not your executives The five habits of highly effective copywriters 12 essential writing habits for strengthening your skills

Building a roadmap so your readers won’t get lost

How to write an article structure How to write a book – the road map How to structure academic writing 6 tips on how to best structure your article News writing structure

Speed up your writing like a journalist

How to write your articles faster than others 4 ways to write faster How to write faster, better and easier Write faster – Set a short time limit The 7-steps write a book fast program

Writing with perfect grammar

How to improve your writing style with grammatical sentence openers 10 grammar mistakes that can keep your content from spreading 15 grammar mistakes to avoid (Infographic) Free Online grammar refresher lessons

No more mistakes in your writing

Why you need to revise your work How to revise, edit and proofread your writing How to proofread fast Creative writing and revising: Rewriting, Editing, and Proofreading How do we use peer feedback to revise and improve our writing

Gearing yourself up with the best tools

The best apps, communities & tools for writers and journalists Best computer keyboard features Best tools for writing online Top tools for creative (and working) writers 10 tools and resources that will enhance your writing