If your Christmas party plans are looking a little tired, here are 5 corporate Christmas party trends for 2015 that we think you’ll love.


Buddying up with one or more other business for a corporate Christmas party can: a) save money, and b) foster collaboration and networking. Whether you’re a small business looking to save costs at Christmas or a big firm looking to make new friends, a shared Christmas party is a great way to reward your staff, meet new people, and foster business opportunities. There are plenty of companies who could organize a shared Christmas party for you. If you work in a business park, you could probably do it completely independently. Who knows what might come out of it?

Community involvement

While there’s nothing wrong with a traditional office knees-up, you can make your corporate Christmas party that little bit more significant by involving your local community. Is there a local school, social enterprise, or charity you could help? Perhaps you and your team could offer to go in and make Christmas dinner for people who really need it? Or maybe you want to launch an apprenticeship scheme next year? Why not announce it at a local school or college when you pop in to deliver some presents? Community involvement at Christmas time could prove a great addition to your corporate social responsibility policy.

Cook your own food

If the Christmas menus on offer at your local pub don’t really float your boat, why not recruit any budding master-chefs from your ranks and ask them if they’d like to cook up some festive flavors? They’d likely relish the chance to come in and show off their skills. You could hire a party venue, cinema, or bar and throw your own street-food-themed night. This might take a bit of organizing though, so get some ideas for the best tools to make a corporate Christmas party run smoothly here.

Head to a karaoke bar

Your staff can let their hair down by belting out their favorite tunes at a karaoke bar. This is a really good option if you have a new team and you’d like them to get to know each other better. A karaoke night is also an affordable and fun way to round-off the year. From booking the best equipment for your chosen Christmas party venue, to hiring a specialized private space at a local karaoke bar, they’re pretty simple to organize too. Stick to a festive theme or let your staff choose their own numbers – it’s up to you. Grab some more tips for spicing up your office Christmas party here.

Choose a theme

Fancy dress, sci-fi film, Arabian Nights, or something else entirely? Go the whole hog this Christmas by renting out a fantastic venue and getting right into the spirit of things with a themed party. Rent some clothes or head to a charity shop to pick up some gladrags, and have a ball. Get some more inspiration for a themed corporate Christmas party here.


Whether you choose to hook up with a local business, throw on some fancy dress, or cook Christmas dinner for a local school, switching up the format of your corporate Christmas party could well prove a great morale-booster for your team, ensuring you enter the new year ready for success. Do you have any exciting ideas for an alternative corporate party? Do let us know!

5 Corporate Christmas Party Trends For 2015 - 16