If you’re interested in making a change in the world but worried you do not have the means to make a significant impact, there are some other ways to make the world a lot better.

1. Give Free Labor

Do you know what is the most precious gift you can give after your love? Your labor. When you give away your labor for a particular project or cause, it’s a part of you that cannot be reclaimed again you’re giving. Your labor is a sacred gift. So, giving free labor will make a lot of difference in several instances. Charitable institutions, and non-profit organizations that are established on goodwill, are often faced with the challenges of meeting up with their daily recurring expenses. This includes the remuneration paid to their staff members. While they’re charity organizations, their staffs who work full time have to feed and clothe their families. Having an experienced individual who is qualified to hold a position such as an advisory position, or someone who can contribute man-hours without having to pay them, can make their missions a lot easier. This means they have the means to reach and touch more lives because of your singular contribution. However, even though giving your labor can help make the world a better place, it’s very important to distinguish when you’re doing that out of guilt from when you’re doing it out of passion. If you struggle to know the difference, then it’s important to know when you should be giving your labor away. Again, your labor is sacred and should only be given away when you feel justified to do so.

2. Start A Small Business

For every new business that is established, there are more potential employment opportunities created. The contribution of small businesses to the employment market is significant. Over 120 million people (more than 50% of the working population) work for a small business. While your new business may not be providing direct employment, the indirect employment small businesses generate also help keeping the unemployment stress under control. Small businesses do not only contribute to employment, they also add significant figures to the economy as a whole. According to SBA.gov, there are around 28 million small businesses in the United States and they make up for 54% of all sales in the U.S.

3. Follow and Hold Political Leaders Accountable

Today, more than ever, is a period where leaders should be held more accountable. Have you taken the time to see what your senators and congressmen and congresswomen are doing? Making sure you follow what political leaders are doing, and ensuring they are held accountable for their actions or lack of it can help change the world. In the age of technology and fast communication, it’s not unexpected that there would be a tool to monitor your senators and their actions such as the votes they make and how they impact everyone. Use the means and tools that technology has provided, which also include the petition website Change.org to ensure that every political leader is held accountable.

4. Support A Movement

There are several movements that are formed to make the world a more pleasant place to live in. Supporting a movement will make the world a better place for everyone. For example, education is a very important human right that should not be denied anyone: your gender, race, or views about the world should not determine whether you have access to the best quality education or not. I, for one, support the movement for equal rights and access to education for girls. If you are passionate about a movement, do you do enough to support such movement?

5. Talk to A Stranger

While we’re all dealing with the hustle and bustle of life, we often forget that the next person is our responsibility. This means ensuring that every person you meet is happier because they met you is a step towards making the world a better place. Start by having a conversation with a stranger. There’s immense power in talking with people. Someone you say “hi” to, might warm up enough to you and tell you about their rough day. You do not have to help. Just providing a listening ear could lift a lot of weight off their heart. Do you still think you need superpowers to change the world? What about making the decision to try one of the things I shared? Featured photo credit: Vimeo via vimeo.com