1. Family Photo – Yes, that means FAMILY photo- No excuses! Cameras are so neat these days. Most of them come with a “timer” feature, so the entire family can be in the shot without someone needing to push the button. This is important because it is so fun to watch how your family grows and increases in numbers.

2. Santa’s best gifts – Are you so excited for a gift that Santa is bringing one of your little ones? When I was nine years old ‘Santa’ gave me a baseball mitt. I was so elated with joy when I opened it that I actually started to cry! Do we have a picture of it? Nope- but I wish we did so that I could see the pure thrill in my face. Make sure you have the camera handy on Christmas morning.

  1. Tradition! – (Yes, I did sing that in my head Fiddler on the Roof style.) The question arises often, “What traditions did your family do when you were little?” Well… take a picture of it! Do you give your kids new pajamas every Christmas Eve, bake cookies for Santa, or sing carols at a retirement home? It’s fun to be reminded of the action items in our lives.

  2. Deck the Halls with Decorations – I have two reasons for this one. First, my mom, who decorates for Christmas like it’s nobody’s business, states every year that she wished she had taken a picture of her decorations so that she could remember where she put things! Secondly, my husband has inherited several holiday decorations that he used to love growing up, and it would have been cool to see those items in their prime, and feel of their significance.

  3. A Family that Plays Together Stays Together – The fun of opening presents has come and gone, but the day is not over. Capture the moments of your family actually getting along as they check out each other’s loot. Try to evoke the emotion through the lens that the day is not about the actual presents themselves, but the people that surround us.

Making sure these photos take their place in your 2012 Christmas photo album is a sure fire way to remember the love that was felt, and the fun that was had. Isn’t that what the season is all about? Featured photo credit:  Photos of children against Christmas lights via Shutterstock

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