So let’s start with the basics. What’s so special about geeks?

1. We have potential

Yes, it’s true. Us geeks generally don’t have the best bodies, and we usually aren’t “alpha males.” That said, underneath our awkward outer shell lies gobs of potential just waiting to be tapped. Anyways, isn’t it supposed to be true that most girls like picking boyfriends who they feel they can “fix?” What makes geeks awesome is that most of us are fairly intelligent and driven people. All that we lack is proper social training and someone who can tell us which clothes look best on us. In other words, there’s a high chance that with a bit of poking and prodding, us geeks can be turned into the perfect all-around boyfriend package. I can use myself as an example. Although I’m still pretty geeky, I’ve slowly evolved over time through exercise and social interaction (not unlike a Pokémon). I’m by no means perfect, but I think having that geeky base layer to my personality adds an inherent complexity to me that many other “normal” types lack.

2. We are super sincere

We geeks might not always do the right thing, and we might do it in an incredibly socially awkward way, but at the end of the day there is one thing you can always count on: we’re sincere. Now, I’m not saying that all geeks are angels (far from it). However, we’ll definitely be way more honest with you than the average dude would be. On the flip side, many of the guys that girls usually go for have no trouble toying with their emotions. We geeks are too used to having our emotions toyed with to have the gall to do that to other people!

3. We can help you with your tech problems

Sure, this is kind of a stereotype, but it’s also one that holds true most of the time. Because we geeks aren’t out there getting all dirty in the mud whilst playing football, we get to spend our spare time figuring out how all of the gadgets and gizmos we all use work. I know that I personally spend a lot of time gaming on my PC, which eventually led to me figuring out all of these little tricks and workarounds to get the most performance out of it that I could. In a similar vein, I learned how to optimize the settings on my phone as well. I shall spare you all of the tech-y specifics. Bottom line is that geeks, more often than not, can help you with just about any issue you’re having with your technology.

4. We aren’t mysterious… or are we?

The best part about being an awkward geek is that you often learn to embrace your awkwardness. By the way, this makes us really good at using self-deprecating humor by the way. What this means is that most geeks have stopped trying to be somebody they’re not. Most normal guys usually have this false air of confidence and chivalry that they surround themselves in when they want to impress people. We geeks have trouble masking our true selves thanks to our quirkiness, so what you see is usually what you get! That said, geeks usually act differently with good friends than they do with strangers. As you get to know your geeky boyfriend, you might find that there’s far more there than what originally met your eyes.

5. We evolve

This one reminds me of that song by The Verve, “Bittersweet Symphony”. Its lyrics talk about how, for the most part, people can’t really change who they are at a core level. I believe that to be mostly true. However, I will say that us geeks try our darnedest to edit ourselves in ways that we believe our loved ones will appreciate. You, as the potential significant other of a geek,  should be super happy about that, as there are many folks out there who are dead-set on not making any changes to themselves no matter what kind of external factors are present. I might contend that our ability to evolve in this manner is derived from our near-universal love of the super geeky show Doctor Who, in which the Doctor once said… When you’re a geek, you’re mind is exposed to so many fantastical worlds and concepts that it’s hard to think of yourself as “normal.” Thus, it’s almost impossible to live a “normal” life. Of course, that also has its pros and cons, but I think that you’ll enjoy the pros far more than you’ll dislike the cons. With all that said, if you are a geek, or are currently dating one, I’d love if you sounded off in the comments below! Featured photo credit: Am I Handsome?/Aikawa Ke via