Unfortunately, not all businesses have the freedom to borrow money or sell their personal properties. To solve this type of scenario, here are some creative ways on how you can improve your business without the use of additional funding.

1. Improve customer service

No matter how small or how big the company is, a negative review can alienate future clients and customers. One great way to boost your business is by improving customer service. By putting importance to your customer’s experience, there is a chance that they will be satisfied and decide to come back, or even recommend to more people to try your business. In order to improve customer service, start analyzing the usual problems and concerns in your product or service. Does it take forever to get a refund? Or perhaps, you don’t usually answer to their inquiries?

2. Take Feedback Seriously

There are instances when your best asset is the honest opinion of both your employees and customers. Employees have a unique insight to what could be improved in your business’ day-to-day operations. Instead of hiring a consultant to notice what’s wrong with your operations, you can rely simply on their suggestions and observations. There is a chance that you can improve how you run things just by doing this. With their input, you can implement things that can make your overall operations go smoothly on a day-to-day basis. On the other hand, customer feedback can be considered free word-of-mouth advertising if you are doing well. However, keep in mind that it can also backfire. Word-of-mouth advertising is still important today. In fact, it has gone digital. In fact, 74% of consumers believe that word of mouth recommendations play a huge role in making a purchase. In addition to this, 84% believe online reviews made by people who they personally know. What you can do is to learn from both positive and negative feedback of customers. Here, you can improve on several aspects of your business.

3. Create an Online Community

Another great way to expand your business is by being an active member of the online community. With blogs and social media, you can easily promote your products and services to the right market. And unlike traditional means of advertising, you can either do it for free or just spend a minimal amount of money. Once you have effectively made an online community, there is a chance that your very own market will advertise your products and services for free within their networks.

4. Developing Creative Marketing Strategies

For small businesses going up against large corporations, one of the things that they can do to compete is to be creative with their marketing strategies. Instead of funding celebrities to endorse the product, why not choose an influencer who could even promote the product simply with freebies? Also, instead of having a TV advertisement, you can simply opt to have an online video to showcase your company. With tools provided by the modern World Wide Web today, you have a number of options to go for.

5. Studying the competition

It is important that you study your competition. This is especially true for small startups. Though there are instances when studying your competition costs money, especially if you want to dig into the details, you can still learn a thing or two based on the most observable facts. For instance, how exactly do they run their online marketing campaign? Do they focus on different products every month? What are the usual things that they do you can adapt to your company?


Running a business can cost a lot of money. However, you have to understand that you can expand and maximize your venture’s potential even with a limited amount of capital. In fact, there are ways on how you can improve your business without spending on anything.