Instead, if you have a number of people who you can turn to for support, depending on the particular issue you’re struggling with, you can stay the course and see the results you’re after. Let’s walk you through the various people you should have in place before you begin so you can better guarantee your chances of seeing the success you’re after.

1. The Personal Trainer

The first person you’ll want to have on your list is a personal trainer. The personal trainer is going to be great for ensuring you are able to continually change your workout program to get the results you’re looking for… Remember if you’re going into the gym and doing the same thing over and over again, it’s not going to be long before you hit a progress plateau. By changing that workout around, you will see ongoing results you can feel proud off; plus, you’ll be that much more interested in sticking with the program as well. Another nice thing a trainer can help you with is making sure you maintain good form. Keeping good form is going to be vital for ensuring you don’t find yourself injured shortly after you start, allowing you to reap all the benefits exercise has to offer.

2. The Nutritionist

The nutritionist will help keep your diet in check so you are getting all the vital nutrients you need. Since nutrition is the most important part of the fat loss journey, it is vital you are doing things correctly here. A nutritionist can sit down with you, assess your natural food preferences and habits and then make smarter recommendations in terms of what you should be eating to see ongoing success. Remember a diet is not a one size fits all thing – you need to adjust and adapt a diet to your own specific needs in order to feel your best and see optimal success. If you are unable to do so because you lack the knowledge required, this is not going to work in your favor. A supportive friend is someone who will enable you to vent when you need advice as the situation arises. It’s best if this friend is also involved in healthy living as well, but not necessarily required.

4. The Counselor

In some cases, especially if you deal with emotional eating to a significant degree, you’ll want to have a counselor on your team who you can turn to for help. For those who have deep-rooted issues that date back to many years earlier, and you still sooth emotions with food, you will need to work these out in counselling in order to get past your obstacles. Emotional eating can be a very trying thing to deal with, but if you want to achieve weight loss success, you need to be able to get past it. Get the help you need in order to do so.

5. The Assistant

Having an assistant, as silly as it sounds, will make your journey to your goal weight easier as well. This ‘assistant’ often ends up becoming your kids or significant other as it’s someone who you can delegate tasks to so you have time to hit the gym or prepare your food. For instance, you may get your husband to run out and do a few errands you would have otherwise had to do, so you can attend the Pilates class in the evening. Clearly you can’t depend on this assistant for everything or he will soon step out of the roll, but if he is there and willing to help, this can be a huge benefit to you as far as managing your time goes and staying committed to the gym.

6. The Mentor

Finally, the last person you’ll want to have in place as you go about the program plan is a mentor. This is simply someone who is going to be there to inspire and motivate you every step of the way. A mentor can be someone who is especially fit themselves, who you know personally, or even just online. So there you have all the people you should focus on trying to have on your team for fat loss success. If you can get them in place, you will be on track to a great fitness journey ahead.