I know from my experience that it can be a really difficult thing and I even knew that my childhood friend was moving away. Still, I was not truly aware of it until the day actually came and I realized that things were changing suddenly. A lot of people become distant because they don’t see each other anymore and their friendship simply fades away. The reality is that they don’t know how to deal with the problem and make the best out of it. There are a lot of small tactics my friend and I used to stay in touch and maintain our friendship as well as before. The first mistake people make is that they cling on to the main issue – the distance between them, and they don’t look for small options they have available to stay in touch and maintain their friendship. Trust me, these small tricks will mean a lot even like it doesn’t seem that way. So let’s get started…

1. Send each other random photos frequently

One of the biggest issues with being so far away from each other is that you won’t be able to see each other on a daily basis. When you don’t see someone for a long time you are likely that you’ll start to forget about them and stop any contact. While there are things you can do to salvage a fading friendship, it’s better not to let it get to that point in the first place. This is why it’s a good idea to make the most out of your selfie habit and use your Snapchat or Instagram to trade photos with your friend. If you are not getting goofy photos of your friend making funny faces on a daily basis, then the two of you are not making an effort to stay friends. Snapchat was originally made for sending a lot of pictures to people and making them laugh with crazy filters. This is how your friend and you will share funny moments and feel like you are actually close to each other. Furthermore, by trading pictures you will get some insight into each other’s lives, as you will see how your days pass by, what your friend decided to wear, or what he or she is up to. Take photos of things that will remind you of your friendship or start your own thing by agreeing to share specific photos of stuff you both like.

2. Chat whenever you can

It doesn’t matter if you use Facebook, messenger or anything else for that matter it’s important that you talk to each other virtually as often as possible. In order to maintain your friendship, you must be updated on each other’s lives. Chat with your friend while going to pay the bills, walking around the park, going to the supermarket etc. When you know what your friend is up to at all times, you will feel a greater connection and you can also exchange ideas, help each other with any problems or give advice on something. You don’t even have to talk about “important” things all the time. Friendship is about randomness and sharing small things you don’t really want to share with someone else. For example, you can talk about how you like some new food you tried. When you know all of these small things, you will feel like nobody in the world knows your friend like you do, and this is how your bond will strengthen.

3. Play multiplayer games

If this was your thing when you were close to each other, it will definitely suit you even more now that you are far from each other. If you’ve never done this, you might as well try it. When we play games we get the feeling like we have entered some other world where nothing else matters but the adventure that awaits us. If you share this sensation with a friend you will feel like you two were on a magical, adventurous journey together. Playing games together will be endlessly fun and something special you can share with your friend. It is a good idea to voice chat while playing games because not only will you be able to communicate better while playing, but you will also have the time to catch up, make jokes, and truly feel like you are together in a playroom. If you play MMORPG games together you will feel like you are accomplishing something and building your memories together.

4. Share secrets with each other that nobody else knows of

One of the rare things that is much easier when you are so far away from each other, and communicate through various gadgets is to share secrets. Of course, sharing secrets with friends is normal, but even telling them to another person can sometimes be incredibly difficult. The thing with sharing secrets through gadgets is that you don’t actually see that person in front of you, and it gets easier to talk about things that may feel unconformable. One of the biggest traits of being best friends is that you know each other’s secrets that nobody else does and talking about them this way will come much easier. There is a sense of trust and connection you get when you know that you are the only people who share each other’s secrets. Knowing you have the freedom to give something that valuable with another person will strengthen your bond.

5. Make an effort

Communicating on a regular basis in your own time is good, but it’s not good enough. Friends need to be there for each other in both good and bad. The time difference between you might mean that it’s most convenient to keep in touch in the afternoon, but some emergency situations require immediate attention. This is why you should make a pact that if any of you calls sometimes late at night, the other one should be there for him or her and answer. Be there for your friend and talk, chat, or whatever he or she needs when they are going through hard times. Stay late at night and give comfort, offer help, or share similar stories of difficult times you had as well. It’s not only about small talk, it’s also about talking about those hard moments and difficult life events we all go through. A true friend is there for you to offer support and help you go through them as quickly as possible.

6. See each other whenever you can

Catch every opportunity to be close with your friend. Even if you can see each other for a couple of hours, those moments will be so refreshing and encouraging for you that you will get such a euphoria boost that it might last for weeks. Of course, this is easier said than done, but whenever you can, sacrifice some of your time and money to see your friend. It is a good idea to go on trips together or plan a vacation and visit places you both like. With a positive mind, everything is possible, no matter how busy or exhausted you might feel. A good hack is to find a place that seems interesting to both of you, and is located halfway between you two. This way you will both spend the equal amount of money and spend the least time traveling. Being committed is the key for maintaining your friendship. You simply cannot allow the distance between you to get in your way. Furthermore, you should always make sure that you talk about everything that’s bugging you so that you can get it off your chest and avoid getting stressed out over insignificant issues. Communicating online can sometimes be misleading and you must always look to clarify things you are unsure about. For example, when you see your friend posting pictures from a party with some new friends you might feel a bit of jealousy. A good solution is to talk about it with your friend and ask him or her to tell you about that party; you will be amazed how calming this can be. Remember that the people you call your best friends earned that title for a reason and that it can be difficult to establish similar relationships ever again. This is why both of you should do what you can to keep your connection alive. Featured photo credit: https://unsplash.com/photos/Jfng-e_U4-4 via pexels.com

6 Simple Ways to Stay in Touch with Friends Who ve Moved Away - 56 Simple Ways to Stay in Touch with Friends Who ve Moved Away - 58