However, the majority of writers follow a very sheep-like style. Most students are taught to create their works based on a preset module, and although this is satisfactory, this level of content will never impress the reader. Luckily for you, I have compiled six of the best tips to improve your essay creation and accelerate you past the herd of average Joes.

1. Create a Full Outline from Start to Finish

Though to some, this may seem like obvious advice, many writers do not fully use this option. Setting up a drafted version of your entire essay beforehand is useful for a multitude of purposes. First of all, it allows your thoughts and ideas to flow more clearly on paper and in your head. Second, having a prewritten draft is useful in case of editing situations. If you start writing out the essay and feel like some parts do not match well with others, it would be intelligent to fix it in the outline first. This will help control your web of thoughts and confirm that you are still explaining what you planned on. Writing an essay without one of these handy dandy outlines will take longer and be coherently weaker.

2. Clarity of Thoughts and Economy of Words

Clarity is what makes or breaks the reader’s attention span. If they are struggling to understand what you are trying to present, it will instantly lower the respect that the reader will give to your essay. A lowered level of respect means that they will automatically overly-criticize your work, even if the content is good. Regardless of the gold mine of information you have, forming well thought out sentences and paragraphs is the key to having a well-flowing essay, Also, overusing words is definitely something that writers tend to do almost instinctually. Having good word and sentence variety makes your essay sound more complete.

3. The most Effective Essays answer HOW

Everything in this life advances from actions. Words can only get the fuel in the car, but getting it moving takes a whole different level of skill. Essays titles that talk about HOW something is done cover the most important information regarding that topic. Teaching the reader how something is done, such as Teaching the reader how something is done, such as writing an analytical paper, will allow them to make inferences and apply examples to their own similar task. To put it bluntly, answering HOW allows you to fill in enough content and also provide the most useful information to the reader.

4. Think Differently

Besides lacking clarity, boring language is another way to kill your reader’s interest without making any technical mistakes. Most of the time, the content you are writing about is not new information, it is a paraphrased version of an already known fact. That is why learning some tips and tricks on how to make your essay sound intriguingly unique can definitely benefit your writing skills. Things like coming up with a banging hook statement and enjoyable-to-the-eye sentence structure are just some of the basic ways to get started.

5. Learn by Example

They say that experience is the best teacher, and that is definitely seen in essay writing. However, learning from other people’s mistakes and models of success saves you time and mental health. It is hard to create a masterpiece when working on something new for the first time, so looking for outside sources as a guide is definitely a go-to strategy. Look at some techniques used by the best writers throughout history and you will surely learn something new about creative writing styles.

6. Get a Second Opinion/Peer Editing

Just because something sounds good to your ears, does not necessarily mean that what you have written is coherent. Since you already know what you are trying to say, your unorganised word structure will make sense in your ears, but no one else’s. Having one or more people peer edit and overlook your essay will definitely confirm its validity. Also, even the best writers make grammar mistakes that they accidently overlook, so a good editor will make sure that your writing is as clean as a whistle.