1. Use Your Scents

Aromatherapy is a great mood changer. A scent will often evoke a memory and activate the brain. Choose a pleasant essential oil scent like lavendar, vanilla, lemon or even your favorite perfume or cologne.  Use the scent effortlessly by diffusing it in the air, dab some on your wrists or even wear the scent on you in a necklace.  Adding a scent to a bath is a great way to relax and change your mood as well. Don’t forget that the scent of baked goods or another of your favorite foods might make the shift for you as well. As if you needed a reason to bake some cookies.

2. Relive a Memory

Memories are very powerful and can help you change your attitude quickly. Simply recall your happiest or funniest memory. Run the memory through your mind in slow motion, reliving every moment. At a loss for which memories to try? Consider the birth of your child(ren), wedding, graduation, or a favorite birthday celebration.

3. Change Your Attitude With Music

Music can compliment our current attitude, amplifying it or change it entirely. Next time you are down don’t listen to your sad songs, instead put on a dance track or maybe some reggae (Don’t Worry, Be Happy anyone?). The music will move your focus away from your bad attitude and usher in a new fram e of mind. Bonus points for using a song that evokes a happy memory.

4. Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laugh your way to a new attitude. I know, it’s hard to even conceive of laughing when you are really upset, angry, frustrated or in the middle of many other negative emotions. Take a few deep breaths and do it anyway if you are ready to let go of the negative attitude. Put on a comedy cd, watch some of America’s Funniest Home Videos or just force yourself to start laughing. Soon you won’t be forcing yourself. The laughter will be real and the bad attitude will wither away.

5. Tap Your Way to a New Attitude

EFT, the emotional freedom technique, can help you change your attitude quickly. This technique uses the energetic meridians of your body to help you release bad energy and begin to feel better. Less than 5 minutes of tapping on a few points of your body will make a difference in your attitude. Learn more about EFT at TheTappingSolution.com.

6. Let It Out

Use your body and your voice to let the emotion out and make room for something else. Scream, yell, sing, stomp, dance, run, punch a pillow or just shake your body. Movement and sound can help you release the attitude you want to change. Haven’t you ever felt better after screaming? Try it the next time you want to change your attitude. Share your favorite ways to change an attitude with us in the comments below. (Photo credit: Change in Stone via Shutterstock)

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