1. The Operating System Got a Lot Better

OS X for Apple was a gamechanger. Prior to that point, the operating system didn’t really work with any other system and wasn’t meant to. Whether it was Linux or PC, the Apple OS was simply incompatible territory. Then OS X came out and suddenly Apple computers became professional machines instead of hobbyist packages.

2. The Mac Mini

The release of the Mini revolutionized the desk space. No longer was there this clunky processor unit taking up a fourth of the desk. This Mini thing instead appeared and worked just fine with everything plugged into it. It worked, it was functional, and it was dependable. Not to mention, people started realizing the Mac was a far safer computer to work with. The big bad world of the Internet generally wrote viruses for PC computers, not Apple.

3. Apples Don’t Need Drivers

Say what? For anyone who has had to fuss with Windows or re-installing that software, drivers are the bread and butter of the package. When the wrong drivers are present, bad things happen. So it can be a guessing game and a pain to get things working again correctly. With an Apple, however, there’s no need for drivers because an Apple computer had its software built into the hardware. Ergo, there’s no need to keep fussing with drivers and updates.

4. Cost

You Get What You Pay For – Yes, Apple computers cost more, but they don’t drop to $10 in value a few years later. Instead, Apple computers keep quite a bit of their value and people still want them used. This is because they are simply built better with quality materials. Instead of a plastic case, they have an aluminum one. Instead of cheap circuitry, their computers are built to withstand use and keep going. Instead of feeling like one is carrying a suitcase, Apple laptops are built for comfort and low weight demands. When you add up all these factors, the cost doesn’t seem so expensive for what one is getting in a computer. It’s a bit like comparing an economy car from Ford versus a mid-line Toyota.

5. Portability

With the Apple system flowing back and forth between the Mac, the iPhone, and the iPad, a user’s portability of information is at a maximum. Apple set the standard for smart devices, and while there are competitors, Apple devices are still sought after as the best version on the market. And they don’t have a problem with hacks and virus sharing, at least not near as bad as PC systems do.

6. Great Sleep Mode

Someone must have sold their soul to someone who lives in a hot place. Apple computers are amazing at how easy it is to put them into sleep mode and then return from suspense almost instantly. Try doing that with a PC and things start to go weird after a few months. At first, Windows 7 does the job correctly, but over time, the system glitches and hangs. For whatever reason, Microsoft just can’t seem to get a simple hibernation feature design correctly that stays stable in use.

7. (This is Painful) Windows Runs Better on Apple

To add insult to injury, Windows OS runs better on an Apple computer than a PC. The glitches go away and the system runs with a far smoother performance. Every since OS X was created, allowing Apple users to use PC programs on a Mac, the world changed and expanded for Apple users. PC users still sat in the same place as before. Macs are not the end-all, be-all for computing, but they do have significant advantages to a PC computer. When one actually has some time to work with one for a test drive, the benefits and amenities start to become apparent. Everyone’s needs are different, so really the best way to compare is to experience the difference personally.