I promise to love you unconditionally. Please know that no matter what you do, who you are, or what you believe in, I will love you for you — not who I think you should become. You will never have to fight for my love, my attention, or my approval because it’s important to me that you follow your heart and do what feels right to you. I will be there to love you, support you, and guide you without judgment. If I can share anything with you, let it be these lessons on love and life.

1. Everything that is in you, is you.

Please do not change or hide yourself from anyone in fear of what they might say or think. That’s not what life is about. Life is about allowing yourself to live, love, and be all you can be. It’s not about what other people think.

2. Love, friendships, and relationships are only as good as the one you have with yourself.

The people who are worthy of your love and friendship will see you for the radiant light you are. The others will just drift away because they do not have a place in your life. We were never born to fit in. The more you try to fit in, the more foreign you become to yourself and others. Honey, we were born to be different. As soon as you give yourself the freedom to express yourself as you are, you will feel so much love and so much joy.

3. The most powerful words are: “I AM.”

Whatever comes after those words can make you or break you. Remove all the stories that surround “I AM” because they don’t matter. In fact, they might be holding you back. In order for you to live a happy life and enjoy unconditional love, you must first know and believe in your absolute core that you are worthy and you are enough. Finding love in a relationship is one of the hardest things you will ever do, but it will also be your most rewarding. Love is like a flower, you need to nurture it and feed it to make it grow.

4. Success and freedom look differently to everybody.

I urge you to live your life with benevolence. We are here to serve and make a difference to the world. Find your footprint and make your mark in a way that makes you feel good.

5. The concept of right and wrong is an illusion.

You can do nothing wrong. Everything that has gone wrong and right has brought you here to this very moment. This is exactly where you are meant to be. Right and wrong is all a perception. Life brings us experiences that help us in our life, giving us a chance to practice everything that we learn along the way.

6. Enjoy the journey, there is no destination.

I spent so long searching for happiness and any feeling of being content, but I have come to realise that we are forever evolving and that is a GOOD thing. People are so focused on the finishing line that they forget about the here and now. Today is what actually matters, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow isn’t here yet. Be all you can be today. Never stop growing, loving, learning, and striving to be the best possible version of yourself.

7. Live fearlessly and never “manage” yourself – just be yourself.

Take time be to still everyday. This is as important as taking a shower to wash the grime away. You need to find stillness in order to let go of whatever doesn’t serve you. I would tell the younger me the exact same thing. Shine bright, Mom