But there are some easy-to-follow tips to help you survive your next flight:

1. Dress Up the Smart Way

The key here is to choose comfort over style and dress up the smart way. You cannot predict the temperature in a flight, and hence, you need to wear sweaters, jackets or cotton-shirts that can be easily removed or make you feel comfortable. Tight fitting clothes are bound to make you more uncomfortable as the hours pass by. Also, our feet swell up on flights, so you need to wear a comfortable pair of shoes or slippers that allow your feet to breathe freely. Avoid any sort of heels or boots.

2. Find the Perfect Flight

Jet lag is the prominent effect of traveling by air. To deal with this, book your flight in advance and choose overnight flights because it’s the best way to replicate your normal schedule. Also, flying east to west can help your body adjust more easily to the new time zone. While you can sleep in for a longer time, you will not be lag behind the clock.

3. Get a Decent Seat

Finding the right seat for yourself is important to get yourself comfy. If you’re a tall passenger, select the seat on the row near the emergency exit where there would be more room for your legs. If you prefer moving around more often during the flight, choose the aisle seat so you won’t disturb other passengers when you want to just stretch and move around a bit; it’s also more convenient whenever you want to go to the washroom! Always check in as early as you can and you’ll have an edge over picking your perfect seat!

4. Stretch and Move

Do some exercises on the plane! The longer you sit, the more you feel uncomfortable. By stretching and just moving around a bit, you maintain active blood circulation around your body and make you feel looser. Here’re some you can try on the plane: And don’t forget to sometimes stand up and walk around a bit whenever the plane condition allows you to do so. But remember, safety first!

5. Eat Healthy, Stay Hydrated

Prepare yourself a pack of light, healthy snack with fruits, sprouts, and veggies. This can prevent you from being lethargic. Also staying hydrated is of utmost importance. Drink water more often to quench your thirst for comfort. Avoid coffee, alcohol and soda.

6. Keep Yourself Entertained

Boredom is going to get to you on long-haul flights. Bring along a book or some magazines so you can read quietly on the plane. Have your own earplugs ready too, so you can play on your favorite music throughout the flight.

7. Utilise Whatever Available on the Plane to Help You Sleep Better

If you just want to completely rest on the plane, utilise the pillows, blankets and eye shades that are available on the plane to take some naps during the flight. Adjust your seat position too if you want to get more comfy. Then, take some deep breaths, put on your headphones and play on the classical music to relax yourself, and soon you can fall asleep. Featured photo credit: we heart it via weheartit.com