Take a deep breath and awake to the beautiful promises the world has in store for you. You need not despair or be afraid. Every moment, every hour, is meant to be cherished and to be fulfilling. Here are 7 things to keep in mind to bring sunshine to your life every day:

There is an opportunity to start all over again

Life is more of a marathon than a sprint. You have the opportunity to start your race again every morning. This fresh start that is presented to you allows you to have the chance to get everything beautiful that you desire in life.

You have a responsibility to define your journey

It is not about what others think of you, but what you think of yourself. Your body and mind belongs to you. Embrace your being and appreciate what is yours. Rather than live another person’s life, live yours. This is the responsibility you have to yourself.

Your relationships should be defined by you

“Two things you will never have to chase: True friends & true love.” ― Mandy Hale You are an average of your closest relationships. Learn to choose and identify relationships that are suitable for the identity that you want to have. Such relationships will help to propel you towards your desired success, rather than take you away from it.

Your happiness is about what is within- not what you’re without

People chase dreams, money, and love. Rather than seek what joy already exists in their soul, they seek fulfillment and satisfaction from what is afar. Learn to be content and happy with everything you have, and watch your self-esteem and courage soar. Happiness is a state of mind- not what can be found in obtaining any particular possession.

How much belief you have in yourself is what determines your vision

What makes the eagle an incredible predator is its vision. But at the core of an eagle’s life is its ability to fly and soar. Learn to fly above the odds and the challenges that life will deal you. Do not be afraid. Believe in yourself. Sure, you will make mistakes. But mistakes will only ultimately strengthen your conviction that you are headed in the right direction.

Never lose touch with the present

Many people get consumed by what will happen tomorrow. They wonder what it will be like in days or years to come. The truth is that each moment is the only ‘now’ we have; we can either appreciate it- when it occurs- or throw it away. What is in the present is yours to control. It is yours to appreciate, enjoy, and fall in love with.

Don’t sweat the small stuff

There are a lot of things that are out of our control. Getting worked up over the small things will never really make much of a difference. So next time you find yourself enraged by that lady who caught you off on the highway, let her be. There is no point in getting worked up or stressed out over things that are ultimately insignificant. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com