Now is a good time to create a plan and map out what needs to get done between then and now in order to free up time to relax, unwind and spend time with family and friends during the holidays.

Reassess your goals

Take a quick look at this year’s goals. Are you on track? What are you realistically going to complete before the end of the year? Now is the time to decide what is priority and what can wait till next quarter. Decide what to focus your limited time on, and then create a schedule for the time you have left.

Schedule Work & Play

Schedule the work that needs to be done and the parties that need to be attended. If your children are taking part in any shows or events, be sure to get the dates from them as soon as possible so that you can put them in your calendar. By scheduling the work for the next couple of weeks, you can realistically see if there is physically enough time to get it all done. If not you may have to delegate or outsource.

Delegate Work

Delegate as much work as possible. If you work for yourself get a virtual assistant to help you with your work load. Get family to help with the holiday preparations. Start by not taking on too much and the holidays will be happier for everyone.

Contact Clients

Give advanced warning to clients or other business contacts when you are taking your holidays. If everyone is aware in advance they are less likely to come looking for you when you are just about to knock off for the holidays. Don’t forget to wish them all Happy Holidays!

Balance Work and Relax time

For some, a complete break from work will not be possible, so if you’re not allowed to completely stay away from work, make sure you have enough free time in between work. Take a look at the days you are scheduled to be off and plan the time with family and friends. You may be able to change shifts or take some personal time off if your holidays don’t tie in well with your family and friends holidays. Advanced planning is key when it comes to holiday scheduling. In some cases you may just need to say no!

Set Boundaries

Remember that being overworked is often your own fault. Do you say no often enough or set the boundaries required in order to live a happy and balanced life? Remember if you say yes to someone, you may have to say no to someone else. If you agree to work late, will you miss reading the bedtime story? Sometimes you may not have the option to say no, but when you do, make sure you make the correct decision.

No Guilt

Don’t waste your holiday time feeling guilty. Life is for living and guilt is a wasted emotion. Be present over the holidays, and when you are working, work. When you are on holidays, don’t think about work. Focus on the people who are around you–the important, special people who you want to spend time with during the holidays. Work will be waiting for you on the other side. So put in a little bit of time now to think about the holidays, and you will have a more relaxing and fun holiday when it does come around.