True success is not an actual “…termination of attempts…”, nor does it necessarily involve a monetary outcome. Far more success , like stated on, “…it simply means to follow through…success is a journey not a destination.” My definition of success is the sum of an infinite amount of tasks and failures performed while moving towards a specific direction in life. Success is a never-ending process. If you get to point B and stop, you never see what lies ahead at point C, D, and E. Truly successful people maintain certain habits that keep them on a productive path. They never stop at any point along the way. Their goals evolve and grow. Just as mankind has evolved and adapted, your personal definition of success (or goal) should too. Successful people never strive for perfection, they strive to grow their knowledge and continue to improve their skills. In order to be a success, one must change their habits. What are the differences between you right now and people who maintain success? Here are 8 differences between you and them:

1. Successful people never stop learning.

Think about how much technology has changed and evolved over the years. Your knowledge of a particular subject may be complete and up-to-date today, but tomorrow someone else may have discovered a new way to do it, a better way to do it, or something no one knew about it. To maintain success in a certain area, you have to continually research, study, learn, and experiment on that particular subject. Successful people have a hunger for learning and obtaining knowledge. Many unsuccessful people equate learning with school – which is incorrect. Learning can be obtained from life experiences, researching on your own, shadowing a mentor, on-the-job training, running experiments, relationships, reading, and so on. Try to learn something new everyday.

2. Successful people set specific life goals

Successful individuals set out on predetermined paths. They know what they want to gain, where they intend on going, and they have their course drawn out. They have set short-term and long-term goals for themselves. Successful people write down their goals, and organize their journey by making to-do lists. Everyday they wake up with a purpose. No time is wasted. Nothing can distract them. Successful people pre-plan their days and will get everything they set out to do done. Others tend to be more laid back and procrastinate. If you want to be successful, you cannot have a nonchalant attitude. Usually when you have defined your goals, and you are passionate about it, it’s easy to get things done. The reason is that your goal is something you truly desire, and you know the everyday tasks you choose to complete will take you closer to achieving it. Make you goal something you absolutely have to do to ensure a happy life, and the hard work will not be so hard.

3. Successful people embrace difficulties

Failures, problems, obstacles- whatever synonym you call them, successful people face difficulties head on. Those who are successful, are considered problem solvers. They enjoy finding solutions for life’s challenges. Think about famous people who you consider “go-to” people in different fields. Ask yourself, “Who would I want advice from?” Here’s a few from my list:

Psychology – Dr. Phil Business – Richard Branson Technology – Steve Jobs Branding/Celebrity – Oprah Whinfrey Cooking – Rachael Ray Comedy – Steve Harvey Crafting – Martha Stewart

These celebrities may not be first on your list, but you have definitely heard of them and know exactly why they are famous. They are considered experts in their particular realms. These people continually provide solutions for everyday challenges and lead by example. Let’s not get these highly successful celebrities confused with what success looks like. You do not need to make it to their level to be considered successful. All I am saying is follow their example. If you work as hard as they have, push past the challenges in your life as they have, and never quit, you too will successfully conquer your dreams and be known on some level in your field, as a problem solver.

4. Successful people remain humble

People who are highly successful do not take their success for granted. They know it was not luck that brought them to success. These people never forget where they began and the hard work they undertook to achieve it. Yes, you may see successful people self promoting, but that is all part of the marketing game. Confidence envelops success, not imperiousness. Others tend to boast and brag about their accomplishments. I am not referring to the level of triumph as the people I listed above. Those who are not successful tend to gasconade about simple everyday, expected, feats. You do not gain respect from anyone with conceit. If the desired result of your effort happens, make sure you exude assurance with your work, but not by gloating afterwards. Conceit shows dubious tendencies, while confidence shows unwavering expertism.

5. Successful people support others

Those who have achieved success, have not done so by caching their knowledge. They are not egocentric. They believe that the more successful people there are, the better the world will be. They volunteer to help those less fortunate. Greed is not a motivating factor for them. They do not think in terms of parsimony, they encompass a yearning to bestow what they have and know to others. Donating their time, skills, wealth, and knowledge to others also helps them remain modest. Others lust over their prosperity in an autocratic manner. They trove their abilities to hinder others from acquiring success. They are prone to step on others to advance in life. They are consumed with only their quality of life. Avarice will impede success. Human beings are programmed with a survival of the fittest mentality. You must fight this and realize you have to give, in order to receive.

6. Successful people control their thoughts and emotions

Those who are successful, have always sustained a positive outlook despite their circumstances. They become conscious of self calamitous thoughts and habits. The successful people overcome debilitating emotional trauma from the past, and live for today. Unsuccessful people live in the past. They subconsciously replay emotional trauma they have endeared in current life situations. You have to realize that your outer being reflects your inner state. You must find peace within by forgiving those who have caused you pain, and moving on with your life.

7.  Successful people have a balanced life

Those who are successful cherish their time spent with loved ones. They know these people support them and love them no matter what. They know there must be a balance between work and personal time to be happy and peaceful. Others who are not successful, or those trying to figure out how to be, tend to focus too much time on one or the other. If you have too much personal time, you are not working hard enough to become successful. If you work too much, you will be unhappy and stressed, which will affect your work life. There must be a balance between the two. Find your balance.

8. Successful people avoid negative energy

Successful people live life with a positive attitude. Unfortunate situations happen to everyone, but they always find the silver lining. They choose who they let into their life wisely. Those who do not support them, who use them, who have a negative attitude, who try to knock them down, and who are envious of them, are not welcomed. Others find it challenging to let go of negative relationships. This may be because of their low self esteem. This may be the result of fear of being companionless. You must exude confidence and confront your aversions to find success in life. I am not pointing out these eight differences between successful people and you in order to dismay you. I am simply showing you eight feasible adjustments you can make to transform your life. The biggest step you will take to accomplish these changes is simply taking action and making the effort. You can do it!