1. Humility

In a competitive day and age, we all face a huge amount of pressure to be the best – whether academically, financially or by appearance. Humility – the ability to accept your positive traits and acknowledging your uniqueness as gifts with a level head is the most beautiful quality of all. It allows you to be yourself, accept yourself and appreciate the beauty in everybody else without comparison.

2. Gentleness

The stresses of daily life never fail to give us the opportunity to feel and act harshly and judgmentally. The ability to step back, and speak with softness and gentleness is a much more powerful way to communicate- a woman who is able to acknowledge that fact is one that embodies’s true beauty. She connects with people with ease and is able to give and receive love in a balanced yet beautiful way.

3. The ability to uplift

Everybody fails, and everybody falls.  A truly beautiful woman knows when someone is not at their best.  She is not quick to accuse or to judge, and instead stays patient, loyal and is bursting full of solutions to help. She realises and hopes that her essence has helped them shine a little brighter.

4. Resilience

A truly beautiful woman knows how to rise up to the occasion when life gives her lemons. And it so happens that the most resilient of them all often get the strongest lessons. She can push through the barriers with strength, and the hope that things will eventually better is enough to take her through. She will do what it takes to get through the fall, and she will not cease till she reemerges stronger.

5. The ability to apply intuition

Intuition is a deeply hidden intelligence, and perhaps even a forgotten science. Women are born with a tremendous amount of it. There will undoubtedly be situations in life where the head and heart just don’t meet – and that’s when intuition kicks in.  An intuitive woman knows when to trust her inner guidance when she gets it, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time. She will do what needs to be done, with the knowing that her soul told her that for a reason.

6. Honesty

A truly beautiful woman knows how to be honest with herself – she knows when she is not ready, not right and she also knows when she is. She has the ability to use that to help empower her, to help her speak her truth and to do the same for others.

7.  Bravery

Traditionally thought to be a male trait, bravery is an essential beautiful quality for a truly awesome woman. The ability to make decisions and take measured risks are a crucial life skill. A beautiful woman has the courage to face herself and her deepest fears, knowing that she has them because they want to teach her to be better.

8. She has a big heart

Women are givers – we love to nurture. A beautiful woman knows when to give, how to give, who is truly worth giving to and how to live from her heart. She doesn’t give her heart away too easily, but she knows what to do when she does. She loves being in love, and embodying love. She truly believes that her heart will lead her to where she needs to be, and she doesn’t fail to follow it with all of her being and more. Featured photo credit: Viktor Hanaceck via picjumbo.com