1. You Have Control Over Your Behavior

You can’t control everything in life but you certainly do control your behavior. You can control how you react to setbacks and how you choose to spend your time. Take a look at your daily habits and how they impact your life. Bad habits such as spending too much time watching TV, drinking too much alcohol, or spending too much money can hold you back from reaching your full potential. Create healthy habits and accept responsibility for your behavior and you’ll see positive changes in your life.

2. You Have the Power to Choose to Work Hard

You can choose how much work you want to do and what type of you work you want. If you choose to work hard, you’ll see positive results. Even if you start in a low paying job, hard work can get you promoted or open doors to new opportunities. You also have the power to change the type of work you do. You can open your own business, change careers whenever you want, or further your education.

3. You Make Choices Every Single Day

Every day you wake up with the power to choose what you’re going to. You decide what to wear, what to eat, and what to do. Each choice you make impacts your chance for success in life. Make choices that will help you succeed in life.

4. You Control Who You Keep for Company

Even though you can’t choose your biological relatives, you have the power to choose who to spend your time with. Spend time with people who are inspirational, motivational, and positive. It can do a lot for your energy level and outlook on life. Be willing to join volunteer organizations and meet with influential people to find people who are making positive change.

5. You Can Set Your Own Goals

Without goals, you won’t have a clear direction of where you are going in life. Establish goals for your finances, your time, and your career. Once you have something that you’re working toward, it will help you to stay motivated to make good choices.

6. Failure Doesn’t Mean You Stop Trying

The most successful people in the world aren’t defined by their failures. Instead, they’re defined by their success. They all share one thing in common though–they failed several times before they got it right. Expect failure in life. If you don’t experience any failures, it’s likely you haven’t taken any risks. Learn from failure and use it to motivate you to keep going until you get it right.

7. You Have the Power to Choose Your Future

If you had a terrible childhood or you’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past, you don’t have to allow that to define the rest of your life. You have the power to choose your future. Create the type of future you feel like you were really meant to live. Make changes and work hard to become the person you feel like you are meant to be. With hard work and determination, you can create any type of life you want for yourself.

8. You Have the Power to Choose Your Attitude

You have the power to choose the type of attitude you want to have in life. The way you react to problems, setbacks and angry people says a lot about you. Choosing to have a positive, compassionate, and determined attitude can mean the difference between feeling sorry for yourself and creating the life you always dreamed of living.