Here are a few of the top benefits of seaweed.

1. Thyroid Function

Thyroid problems are amass across the world. We are seeing an increase of people on synthetic thyroid replacement medicines and being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s. Eating seaweed can turn this around and allow your body to start increasing its own supply of T3. Try adding more varieties of seaweed including wakame and kelp to your diet today.

2. Normalize Hormones with Iodine

Iodine deficiency is seen across the board. People are not getting enough of it and it effects how our brain produces our hormone levels. Increasing your intake of seaweed, creates a higher iodine content in your body, which then yields optimal hormone levels such as estrogen and estradiol. Arame is the highest iodine content in the ocean, even more than seafood. Dulse comes in as the second highest iodine content of seaweed varieties and is also high in Vitamin A.

3. Relieve Arthritis Symptoms

Are your joints bothering you? Maybe you should try adding more kelp and bladderwack, which decreases the inflammation in your body and reduces muscle stiffness from arthritis, rheumatism, and rheumatoid arthritis.

4. Decongestant

Is that common cold and sinus drainage driving you crazy? Adding in kombu will help reduce mucus production and allow you to be back to normal in no time.

5. High Protein

Seaweed in general is high in protein. If you are eating a vegetarian based template, adding in seaweed will allow you to keep your protein levels high. Also, if you are eating other diets, the higher protein in the seaweed will keep you fuller longer and not have you reaching for higher carbohydrate foods. Wakame, hijiki, kombu, nori, and dulse have the highest protein content of seaweed varieties.

6. Hair growth

Seaweed actually helps stimulate hair growth and add the sheen that you long for. If you have had any trouble with your hair growing or your hair thinning, seaweed can help remedy it by optimizing thyroid function. Try adding eating arame, Irish moss, and wakame and you will have that shine that is seen in the magazines.

7. Electrolyte Minerals

Electrolytes are vital to your survival. Having balanced optimal levels in your blood allow for other nutrients to be transported throughout your body. Keep your electrolytes in check with seaweed. Seaweed is high in calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. The best types to use are Irish moss, wakame, hijiki, kombu, and nori.

8. Removes Heavy Metals

Living in today’s world, we are exposed to more environmental heavy metals such as Aluminum, Mercury, and others, which should not be in our bodies at high levels. Adding kelp to your diet, will remove the heavy metals due to the sodium alginate (algin) that is in it. Seaweed can be found at your local grocery store in the asian food section or even at your local asian grocery store. The seaweed can be added to any of your dishes, broths, soups, sauces, and even infused to your water. What type are you adding to your food today?