1. Value the importance of listening

People who build strong relationships know how important it is to listen to what the other person is saying. In doing that, they remember details about the other person that helps strengthen the relationship. They are also able to form meaningful conversation, as they are attentive listeners. Being able to listen is important, as the person on the other end of the conversation feels valued.

2. Make time

They understand that forming strong relationships requires the effort and time. People who build strong relationships set aside time for the other people so they give them an important place in their life. If a friend makes plans with you to meet for dinner and drinks, don’t ditch them at the last minute. Make time to build the relationship or the friendship will never get shallow. They make sure they leave at least five minutes a day to communicate with the other person. This makes the other person feel important and in turn strengthens the bond they share.

3. Be present when you are needed

They are always there when the other person is going through a rough patch. This is important as people grow to rely on them, which helps grow and maintain relationships. They always check in on them, which make the people they are relationships in feel like they are cared about. Some of the best advice you can follow is to make dinner for the person that is struggling, pick up their kids to babysit, or just be physically there for them. In tough times, your loved one may be hesitant to ask for specific help because they are so overwhelmed.

4. Admit when you are wrong

People who build strong relationships aren’t afraid to admit when they have made a mistake. They are able to admit they made a mistake, apologize and move forward.  This reminds people that everyone is human and helps make for a stronger relationship. Being able to accept when you are wrong is an important trait to have in any relationship as it prevents any conflict and allows any small issues to be resolved.

5. Give good advice

When they are committed to solving a problem, people who build strong relationships are determined to find a valid solution. They spend a lot of their time thinking of solutions which allow them to provide meaningful feedback. Thus they build strong, extraordinary relationships with people who always look to them for their good advice.

6. Be empathetic

They are able to put themselves in the other person’s shoes, which is an important skill to have. They are sensitive to what the other person is feeling. This enables them to avoid doing things that would hurt the other person. Thus they build strong relationships based on their empathy. If you don’t know where to start with empathy, you have to just say, “How would I feel if this happened to me?” or try to relate it to something similar that has happened in your life. People with strong relationships consider other people’s feelings before they do or say certain things and therefore avoid unnecessary conflict. They are able to phrase any criticism in a way that still considers the other person’s feelings while at the same time addressing certain issues.

7. Commit to trusting others

People who build strong relationships understand that a relationship is a two-way street. They not only are great listeners, they also trust others with their problems. They trust the other person to help them and support them. Letting people in is a big part of building and maintaining relationships. They put their faith in the people they are in relationships with and this allows the relationship to grow. Allowing yourself to trust someone is difficult but necessary in building a deep relationship. The best relationships in life are reciprocal.

8. Always think of the other person

The most important skill that people who build extraordinary relationships have is that they prioritize their relationships. Thus they find themselves constantly thinking of the other person. They are able to find a space in their lives for the other person and make them part of their priorities.