1. You will start loving yourself more

Someone used to tell me being alone made them a best friend to themselves. I thought he was kidding. But being alone builds a relationship with your person. It makes you understand yourself better and it makes you appreciate who you are.

2. You will figure things out

Life is full of challenges and distractions. You can’t really understand where things are going when there is so much noise in the background. To get the clearer picture and see things from a more personal perspective you have to give yourself some time with yourself.

3. You will be happier

Happiness is more of a state of mind rather than a destination. People do not know this and they chase happiness and joy all of their lives. Chasing something you cannot attain can be empty and false. Why go after what is vain when all you need is some self-esteem and some clearer perspective. When you are alone, you can cherish what is rather than what was or what will be.

4. You will recharge your energy

There is so much we can take when we are with others. But when you are alone you can be with yourself and get rid of all stress and burdens. You can lighten up and breathe out all the negative energy. This gives room for some positive energy and some clearer directions. And of course you will make some better decisions based on this.

5. You will discover who you are

What are your emotions like? What do you want to be? Who do you want to be with? You really do not see these things from a distance. But when you can get in touch with your feelings when you are alone, you can tell yourself what you want and what you don’t want.

6. You will become more productive

Solitude gives some air of planning and positivity. You figure things out and the directions you want to take. You make plans and have an air of positive energy. You are glad and you find a basis to pursue those innermost desires.

7. You will reflect

We all have a point of becoming, which is where we are coming from and where we are heading to. We pursue goals based on what we can picture and make out of them. Solitude gives us the time and space to reflect and look back at those things that have happened to us and how we can make things better. Being alone gives us the energy to deal with our feelings and what we are.

8. You will enjoy your relationships even more.

You cannot love others when you do not love yourself. Whether you want it or not, happiness starts with appreciating yourself and discovering who you are. You may have been oblivious to certain facts when you enjoyed relationships with others, but being alone with yourself offers you the opportunity to be with yourself and to appreciate what every relationship means to you.

9. You will become more independent

You start finding out that your joy is not external, but totally dependent on you and what you make out of it. You can make those strategic decisions and be more optimistic about the future because solitude gives you a voice and you don’t care what others think about you but what you think about yourself. Featured photo credit: http://www.pixabay.com via pixabay.com