Stepcase Lifehack is partnering up with Moleskine and Hong Kong retailer city’super/LOG-ON to give you a chance to show us – and the world – what you can do with a Moleskine notebook. Moleskines are the notebook of choice for creative professionals around the world, and have become a symbol of latter-day nomadism – nobody carrying a Moleskine is ever without a place to capture their most brilliant thoughts! To celebrate the intimate relationship between lifehacking digital nomads and the Moleskine notebook, Moleskine, Stepcase Lifehack, and city’super/LOG-ON invite you to enter the My Moleskine 2.0 competition. My Moleskine 2.0 is devoted to giving tips and tricks to improve your quality of life by automating, increasing productivity and organising.
Share your ideas, be selected for an innovative exhibition, and win a lifetime supply of Moleskine notebooks!
We want to see your best ideas for hacking your Moleskine – whether to make the ultimate productivity-enhancing tool or the perfect outlet for all your most creative urges. Show us what you can do and you might win free Moleskines for life. The folks at Moleskine will select the most creative entries, which will be displayed in the My Moleskine 2.0 Exhibition that will take place in all city’super and LOG-ON stores in Hong Kong in July 2009. Your hack will also be presented on,, and on Lifehack. In-store and web viewers will be able to vote on their favorites, and the winners will receive one of these great prizes:
1st prize: a lifetime supply of Moleskine notebooks! 2nd prize: collection of 25 Moleskine notebooks and diaries 3rd prize: collection of 15 Moleskine notebooks and diaries All other exhibited entries: set of 3 Moleskine notebooks
Send us your idea on how to make and do things better, faster, more creative and innovative, for both work and leisure with your Moleskine notebook!
How to participate
This competition is open to all regardless of age, nationality, sex and location. There is no application fee. Selected entrants will have to purchase the Moleskine and prepare the hack for the exhibition, but will receive 3 Moleskine notebooks as a prize once their finished work is received.
Application Procedure
Submit your best idea using the application form at the bottom of this post. You may be contacted for further information after the first round of judging. Entries must be received before May 31st, 2009. Make sure you present your idea clearly. Your idea should fall within one of the following category:
Creativity and imagination Organization and productivity Archive and memory Fun and innovative hacks
The competition is in different stages:
Selection Criteria
The best entries will be selected according to their originality, creativity, usefulness, feasibility and design.
My Moleskine 2.0 Exhibition
If you’re in Hong Kong in July, be sure to stop by city’super or LOG-ON to see the exhibition! Date: July 15th – 30th, 2009 Venue: city’super, LOG-ON, Hong Kong The selected Moleskine will be displayed in transparent boxes, so that audience can peruse them at their own pace. Ideas and “how to” will be displayed as well on panels. city’super and LOG-ON customers will be invited to vote and select their favorite Moleskine hacks.