10 Must Read Tech Sites To Stay Updated

1. Arstechnica.com First on the list is Ars Technica, simply because of the date of inception. This site has been around for nearly two decades, a very substantial amount of time. The publication, now owned by Conde Nast, is a go-to for both tech professionals and hobbyists. Ars Technica features a wide range of news and editorials, delving into business, legal ramifications, security, and other consumer interests. The dialogue isn’t a one-way street, either....

January 27, 2023 · 6 min · 1093 words · Tammera Bosley

10 Positive Signs That You Are Going To Be An Entrepreneur

1. You see opportunities everywhere You can’t help yourself: you see the potential in every thing and every person. When you wake up in the morning, you’re raring to go because there are ideas to think up, tasks to set into motion, and businesses to be built. 2. You like to scratch your own itch and solve problems When you see something that could be done better or a massive problem, you’re not afraid to step up to the plate to solve it....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 698 words · Clayton Freehan

10 Quick Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bloating And Gas

Fortunately, there are a number of natural ways to prevent and get rid of bloating altogether. They can be easily performed at home to provide instant relief. But first, let’s look at the causes of this deliberating condition. Symptoms of Bloating Bloating originates from a slight swelling around the midriff area. Then it’s often accompanied by a number of the following symptoms: • Dull, aching pains in the stomach, chest or pelvis • Excessive flatulence • Excessive burping • Unsettled Stomach...

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 713 words · Timothy Henrich

10 Reasons To Use An Exercise Ball As Your Chair

One solution I’ve heard bounce around is the use of an exercise ball as a desk chair. It’s height and instability force you to sit up straight, making it hard to slouch. However, GearFire have a few more suggestions to why you might want to change seats. Is this the best alternative to ergonomic chairs? What else is out there? 10 Reasons to Use an Exercise Ball as Your Chair – [GearFire] Also check out this article about exercise balls in classrooms – Fitness Ball Seating in Classrooms Keeps Kids Focused

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 91 words · Steve Pond

10 Reasons You Should Date A Geek

Geeks are great guys! They are not only gifted when it comes to academics, but they make for incredible boyfriends as well! Here are 10 reasons why you should give a geek a shot! 1. They Are Smart Geeks are really intelligent people. They are typically great at learning and mastering all kinds of topics. They soak in and absorb just about everything under the sun. From learning math, to science, to reading and writing, geeks can master it all!...

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 824 words · Bernita Moore

10 Relatively Old Things That People Would Pay An Arm And A Leg For

Below, here are ten of such most valuable collectibles, for which people are ready to break their banks. 1. Action Comics No.1 2. The Piano from Casablanca 3. The Gutenberg Bible The Gutenberg Bible was written in Latin and printed in the 1950s using the Gutenberg’s printing press. It was a 42-line Bible. It was the first book to be printed in the West using movable type. It was printed in Mainz, Germany by the inventor of the printing press Johannes Gutenberg....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 826 words · Tonya Martinez

10 Signs You Have The Best Older Brother Ever

1. He showed you how to be strong One of the most important life lessons you learned from your older brother was the necessity of developing tough skin and fighting your own battles. From playground disputes to middle school drama, he was always there to show you the importance of standing up for yourself. Even as grown-ups he continues to encourage you to be strong, whether it is standing up to your boss or getting rid of a toxic friend....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 767 words · Ryan Cervantes

10 Things Extremely Boring People Do

Whatever it is, here’s a top-ten guide to what the extremely boring people of the world always seem to do. Take it as a cautionary tale to avoid doing the same. 1. They always talk about themselves – and only themselves Boring people always seem to find themselves the most interesting point of conversation. They never think about what might be interesting to other people, or about the issues or viewpoints of the rest of the world....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 886 words · Francis Redd

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting An Online Business

You’ve day-dreamed of starting your own business. And why not? It’s amazing because you’ll never have to put up with awful office politics. You’ll feel like a powerhouse. You’ll blur the lines between work and play, and although you will be working more hours than a 9-5 job, you’ll love every second of it. And here’s another cool thing: Once you start your own business, you’ll never go back to the job-hunting scene....

January 27, 2023 · 7 min · 1329 words · Deborah Freeman

10 Things To Do When You Are Waiting For Your Flight

If the departure lounge drives you to despair, here are 10 things you can do while you’re in transit: 1. Shoot insane pictures If you love photography, an airport is an awesome place to get some cool pictures of aircraft – both props and jets. You get to shoot these amazing, multimillion-dollar machines and no one asks you to pay for it. You might just need to shed your inhibition and then you can start clicking....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 666 words · Bertha Ronin

10 Things To Remember If You Are In Love With An Only Child

But saying that, we do have some unique characteristic traits which can only be found in those who have no siblings. And to help you unravel these gems so you can see our true selves, here are 10 things that you need to remember if you are in love with an only child. 1. We want to be appreciated and adored When we were growing up, our parents made us the centre of their attention....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 984 words · Daniel Montoya

10 Things You Should Not Say To A Grieving Person

A large part of the problem is our own discomfort with grief and not knowing how to speak to someone who is grieving. Instinctively, we try to “fix” the hurt and make the pain go away. However, grief is a necessary process that cannot, and should not, be dusted under the rug so that the grieving person can feel good again. As a therapist, I have many times worked with clients who have tried to treat feelings of loss and grief with a band-aid approach, only to find that their unresolved grief has manifested in other areas of their lives....

January 27, 2023 · 8 min · 1498 words · James Vesco

10 Tips For Hosting An Amazing Thanksgiving Dinner

1. Invite Those Whom You Know Will Get Along It’s sweet and ambitious to hope that quarrelling relatives will use a time of togetherness as an opportunity to let bygones be bygones, but if a couple of people haven’t spoken to each other for years because they can’t stand one another, your dinner party isn’t going to be the balm that eases all ills. If you’d like a stress-free, pleasant get-together, invite friends and family members who actually like one another and will mingle well....

January 27, 2023 · 5 min · 1004 words · Christine Graves

10 Tips On Maximizing Laptop Battery Performance

Brightness: how low can you go? Don’t use any external devices. Single-task, not multi-task. Keep it cool. Shut down unused services. Do Hibernate, Do Not Suspend Tweak advanced settings. Choose Wisely. Watch That Hard Drive. Like a Boy Scout, Be Prepared. 10 Tips on Maximizing Laptop Battery Performance – [LIVEdigitally]

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 50 words · Ronald Cantu

10 Useful Home Improvement Apps

To that end, Brit + Co has a great list 10 extremely useful apps that can help you layout a floor plan, visualize your room after a paint job, research tools and find hundreds of tutorials on how to improve your home inside and out. For example, the DIY DO IT app features over 50 illustrated tutorials for everything from the complicated tasks of laying a hardwood floor and fixing a leaky roof to simple solutions like unblocking a kitchen sink....

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 81 words · Rafael Banchero

10 Ways Successful People Communicate With Others

1. They Are Skilled at Reading Body Language Successful communicators know that posture doesn’t always provide good indications about someone’s feelings. Instead, they learn to pick up on subtle cues. They are experts at picking up on micro expressions, which are very brief facial expressions that occur when people conceal their feelings. Excellent communicators have learned to read these very slight facial cues that last only a fraction of a second....

January 27, 2023 · 3 min · 603 words · Darrell Mcleod

10 Ways To Detox Your Entire Life Effectively

1. Don’t buy chemical products. This one seems fairly straightforward but a lot of people would be surprised at just how many toxic products they have in their house that can cause problems. For instance, household cleaners can cause all sorts of problems. Short term issues include respiratory distress, gastrointestinal distress, and some household cleaning chemicals can even kill you. There are some that may not do much at first but long term exposure can cause cancer....

January 27, 2023 · 6 min · 1173 words · Karen Johnson

10 Ways To Encourage Post Incident Positive Thinking

Don’t worry, the cure is out there! Like negative thoughts, a positive outlook can be just as contagious, but contains even more power when it comes to channeling your happiness. Start harnessing your positivity today by following 10 easy ways to kick the negativity bug. 1. Start Your Day on the Right Foot Literally, begin by waking up on the ‘right’ side of the bed. You can leave a note on your bedside with encouraging words that say, “You will do great things today....

January 27, 2023 · 4 min · 722 words · Cameron Larsen

10 Ways To Get The Most From Briefings

10 ways to get the most from briefings – [Receding Hairline]

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 11 words · Eugenia Basbas

100 Websites For Internet Beginners

Who’s new to the internet, you ask? I come across many people who have used the web casually, mostly for emails, and don’t quite know of how much information and resources there are. This list of 100 websites is a great starting point, categorized in interests like arts, knowledge, e-commerce and more. Check it out, and throw up a few suggestions of sites you’d suggest for beginners for 2007. 100 Websites You Should Know And Use – [TedBlog]

January 27, 2023 · 1 min · 78 words · Robin Trapp